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The rapid pace of technological development and innovation in the area of wide-format digital printers has dramatically changed the landscape of print possibilities for the sign and commercial graphics industry. From ultra-high resolutions and ever increasing production speeds to the ever-widening range of printable substrates—the technology that enables these feats has become the backbone of this progress.

The end-goal, of course, has always been increased quality and productivity. Here we present perspectives on today's printer technologies, from some industry members who are directly involved in printer manufacturing. We will look at what they feel are some of today's most important technological developments, and then drill down into three specific technology areas: printheads, LED UV-cure technology and media transport systems.
当然,最终的目标还是提高质量和生产率。我们现在提出的一些关于打印机方面的观点,都是来自一些直接接触打印机生产制造的行业人士的观点。我们也会一直关注他们对当今行业内的关键技术的发展的看法,并且也会深入探究三个具体的技术领域:打印喷头,LED UV固化技术和介质传输系统。

Most Important Technologies

There are obviously different opinions as to which technology introduced to wide-format printing in the last five years might be the most important—the answer really depends on who you ask. And with the advent of so many technologies—true grayscale printing, latex ink technology, hybrid inks, multi-drop capabilities, etc.—it's instructive to consider a few perspectives.

Deborah Hutcheson, director of marketing, Agfa Graphics North America, takes a bit of a holistic view."Wide-format technology advancements can be characterized as a process of evolution rather then one of revolution,"she says."We continue to see steady progress in printhead technology, UV ink curing technology, image processing techniques and media transport automation."

On the other hand, Joseph J. Ryan, director of business development for Ricoh Printing Systems America, points specifically to the availability of white ink to the industry as important. Opaque white ink, he says, is now being widely used in a variety of sign and graphic applications.

"White tends to have a physically large pigment size, which made it a bit harder to work with in the past, but that has changed,"he says."You need that white opacity for many different digital sign applications such as backlits, which benefit hugely from white ink. If you want to print onto a dark surface, you have to put down a white undercoat; so white ink has done a lot to broaden both the colors of substrates and the colors of inks people are using."

This development has also helped put wide-format inkjet on a more equal footing with screen printing.

Andrew Oransky, vice president of sales and marketing,,Roland DGA, Irvine, California, believes the emergence of LED curing systems for UV-cure printers was the biggest game-changer of the last five years.
Andrew Oransky,罗兰DGA的销售副总裁,欧文,加利福尼亚州,认为UV固化打印机中LED固化体系的出现就是近五年中最大的转折点。

"LED-based UV-cure technology has solved a lot of problems that earlier UV-cure printer technology was plagued with," he says, pointing to the disadvantages of traditional curing lamps such as the requisite high heat, high energy consumption and relatively short lamp life.
他说到,“LED UV固化技术现在已经解决了很多问题,都是旧式的UV打印机一直困扰的问题,”同时也指出了传统UV固化灯的不足,例如高热量,高消耗,和使用寿命相对较短。

"When ink formulators and lamp manufacturers came together to develop effective LED curing systems, all these problems were solved," Oransky says.

Mark Goodearl, senior ink product manager,EFI Inkjet Solutions agrees."Production speed of LED-based UV-curing inkjet is the most significant development because it eliminated so many of the challenges that come with other solvent and even traditional UV,"he says."Even with the advent and growth of latex, LED-UV printing has emerged as higher-volume, low-energy production system for businesses that have grown their output volumes and still need to print onto a broad range of substrates."
EFI喷墨公司的油墨产品部高级经理马克 Goodearl也赞同这个说法。“LED UV固化中的生产速率是最有意义的一项进步,因为它解决了其他溶解性甚至是传统UV墨水解决不了的问题,”他还说到,“即使有乳胶墨水的出现和发展,LED-UV 打印机还是有优势的,具备高产量,低能量运行系统,这样能帮助企业提高他们的输出量以及可以在多种不同的基材上打印。”

Printhead Technology

The printhead is the most complex and crucial part of any inkjet printer. It's safe to say that more research and development has gone into improving printheads than any other part of a printer—and today's printheads are more sophisticated, versatile and complex than ever before.

"The most important recent development for printheads," says Ricoh's Ryan,"is the availability of page-wide arrays—very long arrays of linear printheads, such as the SAMBA printhead developed by Dimatix."Similar in concept to HP's Page-wide array printhead technology, this design allows a much wider print swath in a single pass with guaranteed perfect nozzle alignment, he says."Historically, if you wanted to print across a 12"or17" path, you'd be using smaller printheads, with around one thousand nozzles each, and you would have to have their orifices stitched together."Eliminating the stitching process—and the slight misalignments that can arise from it—results in much higher speeds with higher quality printing, he says.
日本理光的赖安说到,“目前打印喷头中最重要的进展就是打印页面范围的增大”,线性打印喷头的范围很大,例如Dimatix 研发的SAMBA 打印喷头。他说,在概念上类似于惠普的打印喷头技术,这种设计能够保证大范围的打印片能够很好的对准打印喷嘴。“这么说吧,如果要从12’’转变到17’’打印,就要换小的打印喷头,每个大约有1000个喷嘴,然后每一个都要对应相应的针头。”消除细缝的过程中可能会出现轻微的失调问题,会影响高质量的打印的打印速度。

"At Agfa we feel that several printhead developments are key," Hutcheson says."Higher nozzle densities, the use of finer droplets, higher jetting frequencies, variable drop capability which improves gray scale, higher jetting robustness (for greater reliability) and wider ink compatibility are all important." These developments have helped her company deliver UV inkjet systems with higher productivity, higher image quality and improved system reliability, she adds.

Ryan says that with the ability to produce multiple drop sizes from a single printhead one can achieve very high resolution with tiny drops, while at the same time affording faster printing because larger drops can also be laid down on areas where needed. To achieve a larger drop size from a printhead nozzle with a relatively small native drop size, several droplets are ejected from the printhead nozzle in rapid succession, and then the drops merge in mid-flight before reaching the media surface as a larger single drop.

Hutcheson says that looking forward,"Agfa sees printhead technology continuing to evolve and improve productivity, quality, jetting robustness. We see the future technology offering a broader ink scope, a lower cost per nozzle and page wide arrays for single pass printing." 

LED UV-Cure Technology
LED UV固化技术

As noted above LED-based UV-cure technology is having a powerful influence on the industry, but how does it differ from conventional UV-cure print technology? They differ both in the lamps used and in the ink formulations.
正如前面说的,LED UV固化技术在行内领域内产生了重大影响,但是和传统的UV固化打印技术有什么不同呢?这两者在固化灯和墨水构造上都有不同。

EFI's Goodearl says that unlike the conventional wide-spectrum arc and mercury vapor lamps typically used in UV-cure systems, LED lamps produce a much narrower spectrum of light. The LED-UV inks are formulated with a set of special light-reactive monomers that can respond to the narrower band of LED light.

However, "unlike with standard UV lamps, there is no warm up period required for LED-based cure lamps," Goodearl says. "As a result, LED lamps last longer."

The other main benefit, he says is the elimination of the high heat that conventional UV cure lamps produce (upwards of 200 degrees). "LED lamps cure at about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which is much cooler than both the heat generated by conventional UV lamps and the heat required to dry prints on latex printers. This creates tremendous energy savings." In addition, he points out that it also means that users can print onto heat-sensitive substrates such as corrugated board and very thin films that can warp, curl or melt due to high heat.

Jay Roberts, product manager of UV printers for Roland DGA, points out additional ink  differences."These inks are dramatically different in both chemical make-up and functionality,"he says."Conventional UV-curable inks tend to be more aggressive, bonding to a slightly greater surface area. However, UV-LED inks have an added bonding agent. While UV-LED inks do not have any negative effects upon materials, they do tend to bond less aggressively to substrates unless a stronger chemical bonding agent is used in the formula," Roberts says.

Digital UV inks have been evolving since their introduction to the market in 2005, gradually improving in adhesion, flexibility and durability. The problem has been that when you improve adhesion, flexibility is often lost—great for printing onto rigid substrates, but this industry demands a huge range of substrates.

Goodearl says that his company has been working on the flexibility issue as well."A few years after EFI established an LED production printer, we addressed one of the remaining challenges with LED. Working with 3M we developed an ink formulation that doesn't have as hard a cure and won't crack when stretched or 'silver' when laminated,"he says."Now LED-UV printer users can create fleet and vehicle graphics and other applications that require greater flexibility."
Gooderal说到,他的公司也一直在研究灵活性的问题。“在EFI推出了LED打印机几年后,我们就解决了LED打印机存在的一个问题。和3M公司合作期间,我们研究了一种墨水配方,这种墨水容易固化,拉伸时不会开裂,层压时也不会有痕迹,”他说到。“现在LED-UV 打印机厂商可以制作船舰和交通工具上的图像,以及其他一些需要比较大的灵活性的应用领域中。”

"No digital UV ink can meet every demand placed upon it,"Roberts says. "Instead these inks tend to be'middle-of-the-road,' providing the best results for the most widely-used substrates. We have yet to develop formulations that meet all of the requirements equally."

Roberts notes that in the screen printing industry, where UV-cure technology have been in place for many decades there are 47 different "flavors" of UV-curable screen printing ink, each designed to meet different application requirements.

Roland has four of these UV ink"flavors"for digital printing.  The company developed a"traditional"UV ink (ECO-UV) to satisfy the majority of requirements, then added additional formulations (ECO-UV 2 and ECO-UV 3) designed to adhere well to PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) substrate families."As these inks were evolving,"Roberts says, "we also introduced our ECO-UV S ink, a truly flexible ink, much more flexible than existing formulations."
罗兰有四种数码印刷的UV墨水配方。公司也有一种传统的UV墨水,(ECO-UV),能够满足大部分要求,同时也添加了一些额外的原料(ECO-UV2 和ECO-UV3),可以很好地粘合聚乙烯板,聚丙烯板和PVC板等系列。罗伯特说到,“随着这些墨水的进化,我们也推出了我们的ECO-UV S墨水,一种灵活性好的墨水,比之前的墨水都要通用。”

EFI's Goodearl notes that initially a big barrier to LED's growth was its slower production speeds."Reaching full production levels with LED was the initial spark in the chain of events that will likely see the entire UV space in inkjet imaging migrate to LED at some point in the future."

Additionally, Goodearl points out that in April of last year the European Union released EU directive 2009/125/EC which established a ban on mercury-containing lamps in the European Union."This includes HID (high-intensity discharge) mercury vapor lamps often used in conventional UV-curing inkjet printers. While the EU eventually decided to postpone the ban until September of 2018 in Europe, the prospect of a ban is certainly a motivating factor for wider adoption of LED-based curing systems."
另外,Gooderal指出,在去年4月,欧盟在欧盟指令2009/125 / EC中公布了一个汞灯禁止条例。这包括HID(高强度放电)汞蒸气灯,通常用于传统的UV固化喷墨打印机。虽然欧盟最终决定推迟禁令,直到2018年9月才施行,但是这一推迟必然是推动LED固化系统发展的一个很大的因素。

Media Transport Technology

Another crucial area of printer technology has been the evolution of media transport technologies. It has become especially important with the larger high-speed flatbed presses where rigid substrates are involved; and also in the area of production-grade inkjet textile printers.

"In the new 'normal' for today's print environment,"says Chris Guyett, sales operations and marketing communications manager for Durst Image Technology, Rochester, New York,"maximizing print volume and production efficiently, needs to be the top of the list of operational concerns for print service providers. With higher print speeds and automation workflows, media handling and transport have become integral to today's printing systems."
纽约,罗彻斯特,杜斯特图像技术的市场销售经理,克里斯 Guyett说,“在如今的新新打印环境中”,“最大化打印体积和生产速率,是打印服务中操作清单事项的首条。有了高打印速率和自动化的工作流程,介质的操作和传输方面在现如今的打印系统中就算完整了。”

Guyett says that older older media transport systems worked by simple motors, electronic circuit boards and often required manual corrections by the operator during printing. However, newer transport systems function with a combination of mechatronics and software, he says."Constant and consistent sensory measurement of the state of the media (weight, roll diameter, width, thickness, tension, etc.), where the calculation of these measurements and then constant controlling of the right parameters allow the transporting of even difficult and dimensionally unstable medias in a reliable and consistent way."

Becky McConnell, associate product marketing manager, FUJIFILM North America, Graphic Systems Division, explains the advantage of automated sheet-loading systems."Fully automatic load and offload reduces handling time significantly,"she says."It allows high-production print providers to maximize the efficiency of their machines."

The Inca Onset presses sold by Fujifilm use the Hostert sheet-loading system, McConnell says. A pallet full of sheeting is placed at the loader end and a single sheet is picked up with a vacuum apparatus (equipped with a tapper and air-jetter). The grippers then pull the sheet onto a lay table for registration. The offload system then pulls the sheet from the lay table to the printer's bed and the table vacuum is engaged to draw down the sheet. Once printing is complete, the offload system then uses vacuum grippers to pull the sheet off the bed and onto the off-load pallet for stacking.
The Inca Onset在销售富士胶片的霍斯特尔特的材料装载系统,麦康奈尔说到。整整一货板的板材放在装载装置的末端,单一的板材放在真空仪器上(配备了开孔器和空气喷洗器)。夹合器先把板材放在打印台上记录。然后卸载系统就会把板材从放置台放到打印机床上,然后打印真空台就可以吸附板材。打印一旦完成,卸载系统就会用真空夹合器把板材从打印机床上放到卸载台上,堆积起来。

This kind of auto load/unload system guarantees that the printer's high print speeds are not hindered in any way.

"As throughput on high production presses continues to grow," McConnell says, "attention will continue to focus on media transport and handling systems. In the future, I would expect that high-production press manufacturers and distributors will increasingly partner with finishing solution providers to create a seamless manufacturing process for high throughput wide-format printing."



