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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2016年6月杂志——标识新谈:小标识、大印象



Some signs, for one reason or another, will be small. But they can still build big impressions.

Meri Weber and her husband, Adam, started their business 12 years ago in Indianapolis. Design 27 develops a wide range of technology and acoustics solutions for a variety of clients in a number of industries.
梅丽·韦伯和她的丈夫,亚当,12年前在印第安纳波利斯开始做生意。Design 27帮各个行业的客户提供了大范围的技术和效果解决方案。

Only this past year have they been able to invest in a sign. That's because, like many small businesses, they started out working from home then hopped around in various rented spaces that suited their modest needs. Eventually, they grew. And the prospect of owning their own space became more of a necessity than a distant goal. An opportunity finally presented itself, they jumped on it, purchased the real estate, moved their business into it, and then realized they would also need a sign.

"Once we moved into our small converted bungalow office, we were often told how wonderful the place looked," says Meri of their new office space. "But at the same time we heard comments about our lack of signage."

Although their clients and potential clients come from a slim spectrum of places, they were growing. Just as it is with any growing business, the need to build a brand and create top-of-mind awareness in a specific field of expertise is important. A new sign would help. In Meri's words, "It had to get done."

With a logo developed that resonated well with customers and potential clients, Meri and Adam were ready to tackle the sign. They had a general idea of how they wanted the sign to look but didn't know how to get things moving. They tried to work with some local sign shops but were told they really were not that all that interested in assisting with such a small sign job. Then I entered into the project.

Through a network of history and connections, I was introduced to Meri and her vision for a new sign. I knew instantly that although the sign itself was not going to be anything too complicated or large, it would be artistic, dimensional and present the sort of image they wanted. Meri's good taste for aesthetics with my design and fabrication input would merge well to make an impression-building small sign.

With a little due diligence, I was able to determine the ordinance guidelines for their address and zoning. As is often the case with properties located close to residential districts but are zoned for small office business operations, the ordinances were quite restrictive in terms of size, setback and illumination. Even the process itself for securing the necessary permit was going to require quite an effort for a sign no larger than 12 square feet and no taller than four feet from grade to top. Additionally, their office building is small. So a sign too big would not have looked right in context to the size of their business office or front yard.

"I want to use our logo with wood and layered metal," Meri told me.

From there I immediately began generating renderings to capture her vision. A few revisions in and we arrived upon the perfect design for her and her business's brand, image and impression.

From there, and after securing the permit, we went to production with the sign using a rich looking stained cedar for the backer panel with various thicknesses of routed acrylic components to be installed in layers to the front surface. The acrylic components were coated with metallic Matthews paints. The support structure to hold the sign up was custom fabricated from steel tubing and painted to match the dark trim of the building.

The sign turned out exactly as Meri had hoped and it portrays the excellence and professionalism that their business provides to their clients. The dimensional features with the choice of materials and colors gives this small sign the sort of qualities that make it unique, elegant and artistic while not sacrificing effectiveness or functionality.

The point is that small signs don't have to be cheap, flat, boring or be produced from standard "sign" materials. In fact, the more creativity and custom craftiness you can put into the small sign, the more impact it will have and the more appreciated it will be.

All sign types are part of the package when running a sign shop—even the small ones. You can turn them down, like those who did with Design 27, but often there is a good opportunity within the smaller sign project if you're willing to try and get your customer to buy in to higher-class ideas. 

Small Sign Spotlight

Bobby Taylor started his family-owned sign business, Signs by Gina, in 1997. They are located in Owensboro, Kentucky. Like most sign shop owners, he's seen just about every type of branding project come through his doors. And he's done his share of small signs. At the same time, he understands the value of making the small sign special in order to make bigger impressions. Bobby and his son Larry share the details of a recent small sign project and how they made it a building impression.
Bobby Taylor 于1997年开始家庭式的标识生意,Signs by Gina。他们是在欧文斯伯勒,肯塔基州。像大部分标识制作商一样,他几乎经历过所有制作出来的标识标牌。而且他还做过小型标识。与此同时,他也知道制作一些特别的小标识能够产生更大的效果。Bobby和他的儿子给我们分享了最近做的一项小型标识项目的细节部分,还有他们怎么能够让标识在建筑上醒目美观。

Project Overview

"We were recently approached by an upcoming store called Bushay's Men's Boutique & Home Decor. Ms. Hauser, the store owner, brought us an image of a sign created for an architect firm out of state. By looking at the image, we could determine what material was used and how it was made."
“我们最近接到一家即将开业的店铺标识订单,bushay男士精品家居装饰店。店铺老板娘Ms. Hauser 给我们提供了一家建筑公司标识设计图。一看到这张图,我们就想到了应该用哪种材料,以及怎么制作。”

Sign Concept

"Silver standoffs, composite metal with a stainless steel finish, and acrylic lettering. The standoff sign photo they showed us, like most, was fairly small. We were asked if it was possible to create their sign to be similar but at a specific size of 3ft tall by 6ft wide. We chose to use custom 2"wide stainless steel standoffs that we had special made for this project."

Sign Design Process

"We started with design where we mocked up different logo designs and presented them to our client. Ms. Hauser confirmed that she was most interested in a modern minimalist design. We used a more modern font for the name, and a thin all caps sub-wording that describes what the store offers. A thin font is not usually best for most signage especially when viewed from a distance, but for the sake of keeping the branding of the store consistent, we kept it as is. Then we went to production."
“在做了不同的实体logo模型,并给我们的客户看过之后,我们开始了最终的设计。Ms.Hauser 确定,她最感兴趣的还是现代化的迷你标识设计。我们用了现代化的字体做名字部分,用细窄一点的,全部大写的字体来描述这家店铺的经营范围。细窄一点的字体也不是用在大多数标识上都是最好的,尤其是从远处看的时候,但是为了保持店铺品牌外观的一致性,我们还是坚持这样做。接着我们就继续开始制作标识。”

Sign Production and Materials

"We used 25" white gloss acrylic for the logo. The logo was laser cut in-house by our laser. We installed the logo by laser cutting a cardboard template for correct placement and measurements. We then placed each acrylic letter carefully into the slots with high tack automotive double sided tape. The sub wording was installed in white Oracal 651 vinyl below the name. The sign material was composite metal, coated with a stainless steel finish."

Final Sign Result

"The sign turned out great and the customer loved it. In fact, during the sign making process Ms. Hauser consistently reached out to us for more printing and branding applications that would be used for other store needs that included various decals and graphics, displays, custom made tags for the clothing and merchandise, and their business cards."
“最后出来的标识很好看,客户也很喜欢。事实上,在标识制作过程中,Ms.Hauser 一如既往的试图和我们打听,有没有关于更多的打印和品牌方面的应用,包括其他一些商店店铺可能需要的,包括各种各样的贴纸和图像,展览展具,服装和货物上定制的标签,以及商业化的卡片。”

Last Words

"Dreams don't work unless you do," says Larry Taylor when sharing with me about his experience of growing up within and helping in the sign business.
在和我分享他在标识生意上的一些成长和帮助的经历时,Larry Taylor说到,“不努力就不会成功。”

"I couldn't be happier with the great privilege I have to be a part of providing branding solutions that build those impressions you talk about for our customers—even with the small signs."
“没有比这更高兴的了,我感到很荣幸,能够成为为客户提供标识标牌设计方案的一员,即使是在小型标识项目上, 不要去局限于自己的业务范畴,其实你可以承揽一切有关商业店铺的标识业务,从大的发光标识,到小的铭牌标识,广告贴纸,展示画面打印等。”


