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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2020年6月杂志-小城故事:蒂姆·鲍曼的标识创业生涯



Shop name:

All Signs & Graphics

Shop size: 2500 sq. ft.

Graphics equipment:
Mimaki CJV print/cut
Roland Vp-540
Gerber plotter
Gerber Edge


All Signs & Graphics


230平米(2500 sq. ft.


Mimaki CJV 喷刻一体机
Roland Vp-540 大幅打印机
Gerber plotter 绘图机
Gerber Edge 热转印打印机

Tim Bauman’s roots are in the fertile sign design soil of the Chicago area, where he served a union apprenticeship at the legendary Foster & Kleiser outdoor advertising company. He attended the union sign school, Washburn Trade School, in the same program that trained Bob Behounek and many other young Chicagoland sign painters who went on to inspire and influence the trade. SignCraft talked with him about his 40-year career, which has landed him in California’s wine country:



It’s been an interesting adventure. My background is in fine arts and graphic design, and I’ve built my career around those interests. Though I started off as an apprentice at Foster & Kleiser, I was more interested in commercial and custom work, so I eventually moved from billboard work to commercial signs.


From Chicago, Emily, my wife, and I went to Portland, Oregon, in 1989. We lived there for 15 years. I worked as a journeyman for several shops there and was then recruited by an environmental graphics firm. They designed signage and wayfinding programs, and I worked as a designer there for a couple years.


Then it was on to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where we opened a bed and breakfast. Emily has a background in food service and is an amazing cook, and we soon had a very good reputation. We did that until 2012 when that market changed and I got back into signs, working at a few shops there.


When we learned this shop in this beautiful area of California was available in 2014, we bought the business. Emily and I have always worked really well together, and this has worked out well for us. We are pretty efficient, so we can turn out quite a volume of work.


Dividing the roles Emily handles much of the production along with all the office work. She is an artist, so she is my critical eye when it comes to design. She can tell when something is a little off in a layout, and we can bounce ideas around.I handle all the sales and do the larger design projects and logo work.

划分工作 蒂姆的妻子艾米莉负责制作中小型标识以及全部的办公室工作,蒂姆则揽下所有销售环节,以及大型的设计项目和标识制作。此外,艾米莉作为一名艺术家在设计方面可以对蒂姆提出非常有用的建议,两人经常共同讨论标识设计和布局方面的一些想法。

 We have a third person here full-time from March through November, then part-time the rest of the year. They handle the everyday sign design work and some of the production. We work with colleagues in the area on large installations and big graphics projects.



Sign design vs. graphic design There’s a lot of classism between the graphic design and sign design worlds. Many of us have run into this, and it’s unfortunate. Some graphic designers are very condescending towards sign people. They seem to think that you have to have a college degree to be successful at design. That’s simply not so and you need only look at the work of creative sign designers to see that.

标识设计与平面设计 一直以来,在标识设计和平面设计之间都仿佛有“阶级差距”,蒂姆认为这是非常不合理的,但很多人确实会遇到这种情况,平面设计师往往会以居高临下的态度对待标识设计师,认为标识设计师都是野狐禅,真正的设计师必须拥有相关专业高的学历才能进行好的设计,幸运的是事实并非如此,蒂姆说:“您只需要去看看创意标识设计师的作品就知道了。”

The shop and the work Our shop is half office, design and print area, then the other half is for production, including a 25-ft. bay where we do our vehicle work. We do a lot of vehicles— mostly cut vinyl and partial wraps along with the occasional full wrap. Emily has done the Roland wrap installation training.

工作室和工作 蒂姆的工作室里一半是办公室作为设计和印刷区域,另一半则用于生产,在生产区域中单独开辟了一处8米长(25英尺)的车位用来从事汽车包装工作,工作室会接到大量的车辆订单,大部分是切割乙烯基和局部包裹,偶尔也有全包裹,艾米莉甚至专门为此完成了Roland开办的汽车包装安装培训。

We also do a lot of aluminum pan faced signs. We partner a lot with other businesses in the area, and work with a sheet metal fabricator on those. We also have a nearby woodworking company to do our CNC work. I prep the CNC files and they handle the router work. For a small shop like ours, it’s great to have craftsmen like this to work with.


We do brochure designs and flyers and postcards as well. We’re looking forward to getting back into more hand-lettered work. We have a good market for that, and the interest in hand-lettered signs is growing.


Sign making in wine country Within a 25-mile radius of our shop there are 325 vineyards and wineries, from small one-person facilities who buy grapes from other vineyards, to multimillion dollar operations. The wine industry is really the area’s main economic engine.

在葡萄酒之乡制作标识 以蒂姆工作室为圆心,半径40公里的范围内,共有325个葡萄园和酿酒厂,从个人采摘与零售业务到价值数百万美元的大生意应有尽有,葡萄酒行业是阿塔斯卡德罗地区经济的主要引擎。

The wine industry is very image-conscious and marketing driven. Some of our best work is for the wineries, because they’re so insistent that their signage reflect the quality and uniqueness of their product. There are always at least a half-dozen projects in the shop that have some connection to the wineries.



Many of the wineries already have a logo in place, and they need help with getting a creative sign that uses that design. Other small wineries come to us very early in the project, and we get involved with their logo design as well. We do some rebranding, too, as folks upgrade their images.


The signs need to be appealing and also very legible, since most of the traffic is on twolane roads rolling by at 45 miles an hour. The wineries depend on their signs to lure traffic in, so the designs have to be clean and simple, yet appealing.


The wine industry also brings in a lot of people who tour the wineries then head for the galleries, shops, restaurants and bars. We do a lot of work there, too.


We also have the advantage of seeing a lot of inspiring sign work here. We have several colleagues nearby who do outstanding work, folks like Southpaw Signs and Avila Signs. Seeing such impressive work pushes you to do your best.

在蒂姆工作室的周边也有几位同样从事标识行业的设计师开办的工作室,比如Southpaw SignsAvila Signs,他们都很出色,蒂姆认为这是非常鼓舞人心的优势,看到同行们的优秀作品会督促他更好地工作。

Ramping up sign structure design We plan to move up a few notches on our design of sign structures. As sign designers, I think we often focus on the sign and overlook the potential appeal of its mounting. We want to work on that.

加强标识结构的设计 蒂姆经常反思,自己作为一个标识设计者,是否太过注重标识本身而忽略了标识的安装以及整体结构,这些同样可以增加标识吸引力,他想在这方面多加努力。

Peter Poanessa [Keene Signworx, Swanzey, New Hampshire] is a friend of mine, and I really admire how the structures that he designs to hold his signs are as beautiful as the sign itself. That adds a lot of appeal to the sign. To do that I need a little more woodworking equipment in-house.

蒂姆的朋友皮特·波内萨,在新罕不什尔州的斯旺西开办了一家Keene Signworx标识工作室,他所设计的标识安装结构和标识本身一样美丽,大大增加了标识整体的吸引力,蒂姆非常佩服他,因此决定在自己的工作室增加一些木工设备,专攻这个方面。

Market challenges Ironically this has historically been a low-wage area, yet the cost of living is quite high. When they factor in average wages, our county is considered the most expensive place to live in California. That makes it hard for working people to live here, and hard for employers—including sign shops—to find good people. And there’s also the inevitable hassle of sign prices varying a lot due to inexperienced people in the trade.

市场挑战 阿塔斯卡德罗被认为是加利福尼亚州生活成本最高的地区,但具有讽刺意味的是,它同时也是工资最低的地区,上班族很难在这里生活,也使包括标识工作室在内的公司很难招聘到优秀的员工。


But overall it’s a great community here and a great place to live, and we appreciate that. We get to do a lot of creative sign work for interesting clients. We stay busy trying to keep up with the demand and pay the bills, doing what we do best and keeping the lights on.



