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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2019年9月杂志_商业数字显示解决方案应如何“服务”市场?



Commercial digital display solutions are expensive and not every business has the capex freedom to afford the upfront costs. These price tags loom even larger when customers realize a newly purchased hardware is a depreciating asset whose lifecycle they must extend beyond the technologys peak usefulness to protect their return on investment (ROI).



Besides, most consumers are foreign to the complexity of these technologies. This unfamiliarity is a strong deterrent, especially if the business does not have the financial or human capital to invest in product trainings. Further still, display technology evolves quickly and customers are wary of buying something that may soon become obsolete, particularly when it may take a while to generate a positive return on initial costs. Together, these hurdles paint an intimidating picture for buyers who may ultimately forgo incorporating any large-scale visualization solutions despite the needs of their business and the evolving expectations of digitally reliant audiences.



The product is not the problem, the purchase is



At first, the root of this issue may appear to be the display products themselves. After all, displays are costly, confusing, and quickly outdated. The real cause of the problem is not the products, however; it is the way they are bought and sold, or rather, that they are formally bought and sold at all. In recent years, visualization experts have diagnosed that customers do not need to permanently own technology when they can temporarily control it at lower cost.



Inspired by changes in the information technology (IT) world, a few enterprising companies in the digital display industry have begun to servicizetheir offerings, selling their solutions as a service rather than individual hardware units.



By selling hardware solutions as a service, manufacturers enable customers to work around the aforementioned hurdles, which often derail visualization projects. An affordable and predictable monthly payment replaces a large upfront capital expense, experts integrate management software and remain on call to provide support and training to eliminate user confusion, and timely upgrades in hardware over time ensure the technology does not become obsolete. Customers win these substantial advantages and more by acquiring visualization solutions as a service.



This article explores each advantage of visualization to give customers an understanding of where servicizationcomes from, how it works, why consumers are increasingly demanding services, and why manufacturers are optimistic about its viability in the digital display industry.



The origins of servicizing



The concept of selling product-functions rather than product-ownership has been around for decades, but the term servicizing,itself rose to prominence after a paper submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1999 discussed the consequences and responsibilities of a functional economy,wherein the consumption of goods is replaced with the consumption of the services those goods provide.

销售产品功能而不是产品所有权的概念已经存在了几十年,但是“服务”这个词在提交给环境规划署的一篇论文之后就变得突出起来了。 1999年,保护局讨论了“功能性经济”的后果和责任,即将商品消费改为消费这些商品的服务。


In the paper, Servicizing: The Quiet Transition to Extended Product Responsibility,authors Allen L. White, Mark Stoughton, and Linda Feng discuss how manufacturers have a responsibility toward their products, especially with regard to their environmental impact.

在这篇服务:安静地过渡到延伸的产品责任论文中,作者艾伦·L·怀特,马克·斯托顿Allen L. White, Mark Stoughton和琳达·冯Linda Feng讨论了制造商如何对他们的产品负责,特别是关于他们的环境影响。


In the authorsopinion, the longer the relationship between manufacturers and their products continues, the greater this corporate responsibility becomes. When a product is bought and sold as an isolated unit, the manufacturers connection to the product ends as soon as the customers begins. In a functional economy, where product-functions are sold as services rather than units, the relationship between the manufacturer, product, and customer overlaps and endures.



This imbues manufacturers with what the authors call an extended product responsibility,to account for their products externalities over time. This service-based selling approach is better for all parties, though the authors acknowledge, to date, the servicizing phenomenon has been driven largely by business, not environmental concerns.



It can be thought the paper was perhaps a bit too optimistic about how heavily manufacturers weighed environmental concerns when crafting their sales strategy, but it was prescient nonetheless in predicting servicizing would grow. The paper can be thought of in many ways as a roadmap for the proliferation of todays product-function providers. In fact, the introductory summary of the paper foretells an economy where consumers pay for mobility services rather than cars,over a decade before the inception of todays ride-sharing apps.



Consumers want functionality, longevity, and support, where servicizing comes in



Value is created and measured by the function provided, and for the manufacturer, the product becomes a means of delivering this function, rather than an end in itself.



Large-format digital displays have never been things to simply unbox and hang on the wall, but for decades this was how many manufacturers did business. Under that model, sale of the product was all that mattered.



Today, for consumers, this perception is finally being discarded as manufacturers acknowledge the relative value of product-function has overtaken product-ownership in the hierarchy of consumersminds.



In short, servicization is a smart suppliers answer to the changing demands of consumers, and as a strategy it cedes power to purchasers while transferring risk to the shoulders of sellers.



Consumers get the functionality they need at an affordable price, and manufacturers open their business to a larger pool of customers. This is the reason why servicization exists.



Servicizing makes visualization affordable for smaller organizations



High-end display technology has typically been reserved for bigger organizations flush with cash. Sporting venues, casinos, universities, and major corporate players can afford expensive displays, while others cannot. This has left several organizations underserved by the industry and has artificially shrunk the customer pool for integrators and manufacturers. However, this no longer needs to be the case.



Instead of an expensive upfront price tag, servicized options allow customers to pay as they go with predictable monthly payments that align with the goals and limitations of their business. These periodic costs are typically cheaper than competing loan options and also provide budgetary certainty, which allows customers to know exactly how much they will be spending each month.



Another benefit of servicizing visualization solutions is these products never become a financial anchor down the line. A digital display bought upfront becomes a depreciating asset immediately. Servicization saves customers from the potential pitfalls of buying a late-model display solution as a way to dodge the high costs of a brand new item.



Digital displays have become cheaper over time as manufacturing streamlines and the industry expands. Late-model displays have been attractive to budget-conscious consumers for the same reasons other older audiovisual (AV) products are: if it seems like the same product, why overpay for the newest version? This is a mistake many customers make. Each visualization upgrade contains greater functional differentiation than any of its predecessors and purchasing an older product only accelerates future concerns over obsolescence while denying audiences the visual experience one intended to give them.



Through servicization, cost-cutting customers do not need to settle for an older product. They can get the best solutions by simply paying for it as a service they subscribe to rather than a product they own outright.



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