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With the breakthrough technology of today’s digital dye-sublimation printers and the plethora of printable fabrics as well as robust inks available, now is the perfect time for shops looking to either enter or expand in the soft signage market.

In this article, SDG examines the soft signage market’s outlook and opportunities as well as equipment and applications, plus the economics of adding or expanding the service to an existing sign business.

One of the major appeals of soft signage is the natural drape of the fabric, which has been used for centuries in design and interiors. Fabric has an overall softer look and feel, and it can be effortlessly draped around curves. Digitally printed soft signage has changed the landscape of the trade show exhibit segment because it is very lightweight, easy to install and costs less to ship, plus can be folded or rolled without being damaged. It’s also important to note that soft signage materials are also finding their way into other short-term events, including festivals and temporary retail promotions.

Fabric LED backlit displays are also increasing in popularity, with almost translucent-looking fabrics, allowing for eye-catching advertisements and brand signs designed to generate consumer awareness. Backlit soft signage can be very dramatic or used to create a soft lighting effect. In addition, outdoor flags and fabric banners have become popular ways to attract consumers’ attention to retail and events.

Silicon Edge Graphics Lead the Charge

Randy Anderson, product manager, Dye-Sublimation and Textile line of ValueJet printers at Mutoh America Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, says right now there are two major trends in the soft signage market, depending on how you break it down: silicon edge graphics (SEG) and banner replacements.
亚利桑那州凤凰城美国木藤有限公司(Mutoh America Inc.)的ValueJet打印机染料升华和纺织品系列产品经理兰迪·安德森(Randy Anderson)表示,软标识市场有两大趋势,具体取决于你如何分解它,一般来说是硅胶边图形(SEG)和横幅。

“SEGs, both in non-lit and backlit, are perhaps the highest-margin products providing point-of-purchase displays to entire walls as a backdrop. Banner replacements for banner stands, tablecloths allow these products to be more reusable.”

Anderson says now is the best time to be in this market with all the printing and media options available. He points out that there are three major differences between getting into this market 10 years ago and now. “First off, the technology is stable. Inks, equipment and media are all well tested and well established. Next, the entry-level equipment in many cases is less expensive and the polyester fabric market has exploded with choices.”


Booming Markets

Sharon Roland, advertising and public relations manager, Fisher Textiles Inc., Indian Trail, North Carolina, points out that in addition to the trade show industry, the soft signage market is seeing a boom in the retail and sports marketing industries. “Many retailers are using SEG for window displays and in-store advertising. Fabric is easy to install and switch out. Since most fabrics are wrinkle resistant and lightweight, they can fold and ship in a small box. Shipping costs are less expensive than boards or other paper-based POP products.”
北卡罗来纳州印第安特雷尔(Indian Trail)的费舍尔纺织品公司(Fisher Textiles)广告和公共关系经理莎伦・罗兰德(Sharon Roland)指出,除了贸易展览业外,软标识市场正在见证零售和体育营销行业的繁荣。 莎伦・罗兰德说:“许多零售商正在将硅胶边图形用于橱窗展示和店内广告。织物易于安装和切换,由于大多数织物都具有抗皱性和轻质性,因此它们可以折叠并装在一个小盒子里,运输成本比纸板或其他纸质POP产品便宜。”

She adds that sporting events are utilizing more soft signage options inside stadiums and arenas for stadium runners and fencing graphics around the field. “Media pop-up backdrops with the team’s logo are also prevalent in post-game press conferences and are easy to transport and promote team brand recognition.”

Roland agrees that these days there are so many more options for fabric and equipment today than a decade ago.

She points out that for shops just getting into this market, they need to spend some time analyzing options for each step of the process: the printing equipment, the media and the finishing equipment before diving in.

“To enter the soft signage market, you need a quality printer, heat press, finishing equipment and fabric media. Having all of this in house will prevent outsourcing and save time and money in the long run. Fisher Textiles offers over 100 fabric media options for soft signage and we provide sample rolls for prototyping free of charge.”

Roland explains that printing technology has transformed this market. “In terms of fabrics, the soft signage market specifically has driven our product development team to create new and innovative fabrics that print beautifully, are durable, wrinkle-resistant and easy to sew. Fabrics have come a long way and there are so many more factors that go into R&D than in years past.”
罗兰解释说:“印刷技术已经改变了这个市场。 在织物方面,软标识市场推动了我们的产品开发团队创造出新颖,创新的织物,产品打印精美,耐用,抗皱,易于缝制。织物的发展已经走过了漫长的道路,研发的因素比过去几年还要多。”

New Developments

Fisher’s Roland notes that the company’s recent breakthrough product, GF 4019 Nirvana B.O.B., was developed specifically for the soft signage market. “It is a printable soft-knit fabric with a coated black back, offering a two-in-one solution for a printable fabric with a built-in liner. Key features are the soft hand, white point, ability to cold cut and 100% opaque back.”
费舍尔纺织品公司指出,公司最近的突破性产品GF 4019 Nirvana B.O.B.是专为软标识市场开发的。莎伦・罗兰德说:“这是一种可印刷的柔软针织织物,背面带有黑色涂层,内置衬里的可印花织物提供二合一解决方案。主要特点是手感柔软,和100%不透明的织物。”

Roland adds that backlit fabrics continue to be one of the driving forces in the soft signage arena. Nothing competes with the pop of graphics when lit from behind. Fabric suppliers are always on the quest for new fabric offerings in this category. With the recent development of wider printers, we are also seeing a lot more demand for 5-meter-wide fabrics.”


Growing Markets

Roland adds that there is a growing demand for digitally printed acoustic panels used in gymnasiums, auditoriums and home theaters. “We carry two fabrics for this, GF 1708 Heavy Knit and GF 9048 EZ Stretch Premium. Both fabrics absorb sound and meet the required flame standards for this use.
莎伦・罗兰德补充说:“对体育馆,礼堂和家庭影院中使用的数字印刷隔音板的需求不断增长。 我们为此提供两种织物,GF 1708 Heavy Knit和GF 9048 EZ Stretch Premium。两种织物均可吸收声音并符合所需的防火标准。”

Clients are also requesting products that can be fabricated with automatic cold cutting equipment to save production time and costs. Our GF 4019 Nirvana B.O.B. is an excellent option for this.”
客户还要求使用自动冷切设备制造产品,以节省生产时间和成本。我们的GF 4019 Nirvana B.O.B.是一个很好的选择。

She notes that Fisher’s new products include the F7 Certified Fabric line for direct print, GF1707 Soft Knit (white and black), GF 2240 Miami, GF 4608 Power Stretch (white and black), GF 9048 EZ Stretch (white and black), GF 8862 Single White Backlit and GF 8890 Firesafe 2.
她指出,费舍尔纺织品公司的新产品包括直接印花的F7认证织物系列,GF1707软针织(白色和黑色),GF 2240迈阿密,GF 4608 Power Stretch(白色和黑色),GF 9048 EZ Stretch(白色和黑色),GF 8862单白色背光和GF 8890 Firesafe 2。


Trends at Top Value Fabrics

Mike Compton, product marketing manager at Top Value Fabrics (TVF) based in Carmel, Indiana, says TVF continues to experience tremendous growth in the soft signage market. “Some current trends include the expanding use of backlit and SEG fabrics in travel venues such as airports, retail spaces and trade shows where our customers are utilizing two of our newest fabrics including Microlux 240 8169WGFS and Deko-Tex Blockout 7255KMFLBS.
总部位于印第安纳州卡梅尔的Top Value Fabrics(TVF)产品营销经理迈克·康普顿(Mike Compton)表示: “TVF在软标识市场继续取得巨大增长。目前的一些趋势包括在机场,零售空间和贸易展览等旅游场所使用背光和赛格织物,我们的客户正在使用我们最新的两种织物,包括Microlux 240 8169WGFS和Deko-Tex Blockout 7255KMFLBS。

“We are also seeing an increasing demand for sustainably produced products such as our Deko-Green 7058RCFLBS, constructed entirely of recycled plastic bottles. All of these fabrics have an optic white finish and uniquely engineered print receptive and flame-resistant coating as well as being REACH compliant and OEKO-TEX 100 certified,” he explains.
迈克·康普顿:“我们也看到对可持续生产的产品的需求不断增加,例如我们的德科-格林7058RCFLBS,完全由再生塑料瓶构成。所有这些织物都具有光学白色面漆和独特设计的印刷接收和阻燃涂层,以及符合REACH和OEKO-TEX 100认证。”

He adds that the evolving market and upward trends are also increasing for durable digitally printable fabrics for outdoor use.

Things to Consider

Compton says for shops looking to enter the digital printing market for soft signage from scratch; there are several important factors to consider. “First, you want to decide which segments of the market you want to enter and become proficient at with an eye on growth markets and profitability.”

He says from the beginning stages you want to set a budget to determine what your expenditures will be to enter various markets. “Soft signage printing in the U.S. is primarily achieved utilizing a dye-sublimation or direct disperse process. This will require choosing the right fabrics for your applications, printer, heat calendar (press), software, inks, heat transfer paper as well as cutting, sewing and other necessary equipment. There are many options and price points to choose from.”
他说:“从开始阶段开始,您需要设定预算,以确定您进入各个市场的开支。 美国的软标识印刷主要是利用染料升华或直接分散法实现的。这将需要为您的应用,打印机,热日历(印刷机),软件,墨水,热转印纸以及切割,缝纫和其他必要设备选择合适的织物。有很多选择和价格可供选择。”


Do Your Research

Compton reports that because there are so many options and offerings, he encourages output providers to do their homework. “One of the best ways to look at your options is attending major trade shows. This is where you can find, learn and educate yourself on entire packages to fit your needs under one roof. Everyone is in the business to sell something. The questions you need to ask are what do you need? What fits your budget and what will get you into the markets you are seeking to enter?”

He adds that since the process can be a little overwhelming, at TVF they recommend you seek out industry experts familiar with the entire printing workflow. “We strongly believe in ‘solution selling.’ While we sell a wide variety of print media, we also work and consult closely with our customers to identify what elements, equipment and processes are needed for them to achieve success. There are also many industry forums you can become involved in to accelerate your education, 
including presentations, blogs and webinars.”
他补充说:“由于这个过程可能有点难以接受,因此在TVF,他们建议您寻找熟悉整个打印工作流程的行业专家,我们坚信‘解决方案销售’。 他说,我们在销售各种印刷媒体的同时,还与客户密切合作和协商,以确定他们要取得成功需要哪些要素、设备和流程。您还可以参与许多行业论坛来加速您的教育,包括演示文稿,博客和网络研讨会。”

Strong Vertical Growth

Compton says that over a 10-year period, the demand for digitally printed soft signage has shown vertical growth with overall improvement in fabric choices, equipment speed, inks and ancillary printing system needs, enabling immediate turnaround time for custom printed graphics.

“Printing technology has and is evolving quickly. New generation printers have added tremendous speed with the introduction of new printhead technology, robust printing platforms, intuitive software, in-line curing becoming more advanced -- offering increased output and ink flexibility -- allowing print service providers to complete long run production in short time frames, transforming the market.”

Compton notes that print service providers face ever shortening lead times from their clients and are now capable of hitting deadlines as they adopt new technology in the soft signage market.

Durable Backlit Fabric Options from TVF

“New media and substrates are in constant demand as clients seek fabrics to fit specific applications and growth areas in soft signage. Examples include more forgiving yet durable backlit fabrics such as our Microlux 240 8169WGFS,” Compton says. “This fabric is constructed with a knitted-in microfiber and engineered with light diffusion and print-receptive coatings, allowing the fabric to be printed on both sides with a varying look and texture.”
康普顿说:“随着客户寻求适合特定应用和软标识增长领域的面料,新媒体和基材的需求不断增加。例如,我们的Microlux 240 8169WGFS能制造出更耐穿耐用的背光织物,这种织物是由编织在一起的超细纤维构成的,采用了透光性和耐印性涂层,使织物可以在两面印刷,具有不同的外观和纹理。”

Compton says one of the key elements with this fabric is its stable dimensional stretch. “Unlike other backlit fabrics, Microlux 240 does not show coating fractures from creasing and eliminates pinholes and hot spots from LED light sources. This new fabric is also wrinkle resistant and soft, allowing ease in handling, shipment and installation.”
康普顿表示,这种织物的关键元素之一是其稳定的尺寸拉伸。“与其他背光织物不同,Microlux 240不会出现压痕造成的涂层断裂,并且可以消除LED光源的针孔和热点。这种新型织物还具有抗皱和柔软的特性,便于搬运,装运和安装。“

He adds that the demand for durable outdoor fabrics is also increasing for applications including banners, fence and building wraps, marketing umbrellas, tents and canopies. “For these purposes, we have developed Deko-Tex 7048SUN, which is waterproof and engineered with an anti-fungicide treatment. We have also introduced our PVC-Free Mesh 2582GFS constructed of high tenacity yarns with excellent air-flow characteristics providing excellent print quality and image sharpness for demanding outdoor environments.”
康普顿补充说:“对于包括横幅,围栏和建筑包装,营销遮阳伞,帐篷和檐篷在内的应用,对耐用户外织物的需求也在增加。出于这些目的,我们开发了Deko-Tex 7048SUN,它具有防水功能,并采用抗杀菌剂处理。我们还推出了由高韧性纱线构成的无PVC网格2582GFS,具有出色的气流特性,可为要求苛刻的户外环境提供出色的打印质量和图像清晰度。” 


Sustainable Options

Lily Hunter, product manager, Textiles & Consumable Supplies – Roland DGA, Irvine, California, reports that one of the main factors driving this increased demand includes a shift toward using environmentally friendly (non-PVC-based) signage.
加利福尼亚州欧文市Roland DGA的纺织品和消费品供应产品经理莉莉·亨特(Lily Hunter)报告说,推动这种需求增长的主要因素之一包括转向使用环保(非PVC)标识。

“This is due to a combination of customers seeking out ‘greener’ solutions for personal reasons as well as the introduction of local laws and regulations encouraging PVC-free signage,” Hunter says. “In addition, soft signage has an upscale look and feel that makes it desirable in a wide variety of settings. Some soft signage, such as dye-sublimated output, can also be laundered and re-used in the event it gets dirty or becomes wrinkled during storage and shipping.”

Hunter adds also increasing the popularity of soft signage is the fact that there are now more ink and production options available besides dye-sublimation (i.e., eco-solvent and UV printing) for creating this type of output. “For example, Roland recently introduced SoftSign Woven Polyester (ESM-SSWP2), which makes it possible for users to produce soft signage by printing directly on the material with a Roland eco-solvent printer or printer/cutter.”
莉莉·亨特补充说:“现在还增加了软标识的普及,现在除了用于产生这种类型的输出的染料升华(即,环保溶剂和UV印刷)之外,现在还有更多的墨水和生产选择。 例如,Roland最近推出了SoftSign编织聚酯纤维(ESM-SSWP2),通过使用Roland环保溶剂型打印机或打印机/切割机直接在材料上打印,用户可以生产出柔软的标识。”

Check Out All Printing Options

She says for shops looking at printers, purchasing decisions will depend upon the type of soft signage the print service provider wants to create, which will determine the type of printer and inks required. “Prior to making any equipment purchases, the PSP should also consider any other types of output they would like to produce in addition to soft signage. For example, if a shop will be printing a lot of vinyl decals, vehicle wraps and wall graphics, along with soft signage, then an eco-solvent printer/cutter like the Roland TrueVIS VG-640 may be the best choice. On the other hand, if the PSP wants the ability to make soft signage, as well as rigid signage on polyester panels (i.e., ChromaLuxe), then a dye-sublimation printer, such as a Roland Texart series inkjet, would be a better purchase.”
莉莉·亨特说:“对于考虑打印机的商店来说,购买决定将取决于打印服务提供商想要创建的软标识的类型,这将决定所需的打印机和油墨的类型。在购买任何设备之前,还应该考虑除了软标识之外的其他类型的输出。例如,如果一个商店将印刷大量乙烯基贴花,车辆包装和墙壁图形,以及软标识,那么生态溶剂打印机/刀具,如罗兰TrueVIS VG-640可能是最好的选择。那么像Roland TrueVIS VG-640这样的环保溶剂型打印机/切割机可能是最佳选择。另一方面,如果希望能够制作软标识,以及聚酯面板(即ChromaLuxe)上的刚性标识,那么一台染料升华打印机,如Roland Texart系列喷墨打印机,将是更好的选择。”

She adds that the company recently previewed the new Texart RT-640M, a multifunctional dye-sublimation printer, which gives users the option of either direct printing onto polyester fabric to create soft signage or transfer sublimation printing for rigid signage or stretchy fabrics.
她补充称,该公司最近预展了新款Texart RT-640M多功能染料升华打印机,用户可以选择直接在涤纶织物上打印创建软标识,也可以选择将升华打印转移到刚性标识或弹性面料上。

“Keep in mind that in addition to the Texart RT-640M, you will also need a heat press to create dye-sublimated output,” she says.
“请记住,除了Texart RT-640M之外,你还需要一台热压机来产生染料升华输出。”

Hunter notes that improvements in printing technology allow for better image quality, greater detail and wider gamut resulting in superior end products.

“Faster drying inks have increased productivity, while a wider color gamut enables users to hit more spot colors, such as those required by corporations for their logos. Advancements in printhead technology, including variable droplets, allow for ../images that are more photorealistic than ever before,” Hunter says. “There is demand for improved fabrics for backlit sign applications that minimize ‘crazing,’ so when the fabrics are backlit, flaws such as lines and color differences are less visible.” 


Biggest Growth Segments

Mutoh’s Anderson says if you are looking at SEGs or they are already being offered in your business, then dye sublimation is your best printing process.

“Direct disperse ink is the choice for backlit SEGs, this will give good ink penetration into the fabric and maximize backlit performance,” Anderson says. “SEGs are probably the biggest growth market in the soft signage industry. These allow for displays that can easily be changed out by the customer, providing a cost-effective option over LED panels and can be much more cost effective than LEDs for huge displays.”

Anderson adds that one of the most common and perhaps overlooked applications are tablecloths. “Others are quick, easy, effective signage for trade show, craft fairs, meetings and greetings. Banner stands are another soft signage option where polyester is replacing PVC. Apparel is another growing area. Whatever the application, soft signage technology provides a stable platform on which virtually anyone can play,” he concludes.


Roland DGA’s Lily Hunter says some of the more popular applications include banners for exhibits/displays, flags, backlit, backdrops and silicone edge graphics (SEGs). (Image courtesy of Roland DGA)
Roland DGA的莉莉·亨特表示一些更受欢迎的应用包括用于展览/展示的横幅、旗帜、背光、背景和硅胶边缘图形(SEGs)。(图片由Roland DGA提供)

Mike Compton of Top Value Fabrics notes that TVF has just added to its line of HP Latex Performance durable textiles launching Geo Mesh Latex Performance, which is an outdoor durable mesh fabric with a proprietary coating to enhance ink fastness of graphics printed with Latex inks. 
Top Value fabric的迈克•康普顿(Mike Compton)指出,TVF刚刚在其HP Latex Performance把耐久纺织品系列上增加了Geo Mesh Latex Performance,这是一种户外耐久网格织物,具有专有涂层,可以增强用乳胶油墨打印图形的油墨牢度。

Mutoh’s Randy Anderson says that from custom apparel to pillows and blankets, trade show graphics, soft signage, promotional items and more, the ValueJet 1948WX is an ideal choice for print shops looking to enter the world of dye-sublimation graphics. (Image courtesy of Mutoh America Inc.)
木藤有限公司的纺织品系列产品经理兰迪·安德森说:“从定制服装、枕头、毯子、展销图形、软标识和促销品等等,ValueJet 1948WX是印刷商店进入染料升华图形世界的理想选择。”(图片由Mutoh America Inc.提供)


