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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 >  2018年9月杂志_传递信息的数字标牌



Sign makers today are increasingly becoming involved with digital signage—not only to provide the physical elements, such as hardware and displays, but also to generate the content that appears on the screen. It’s not always the easiest undertaking; however, it can be a game-changer when an attractive display is running compelling content. And sign designers are in a good position to do just that.


“Regardless of whether a designer is laying out a static billboard or a digital display, the skill is creating a visually compelling message that connects,” says Ryan Cahoy, managing director, Rise Vision, a digital content management company in Toronto, Canada.

加拿大多伦多数字内容管理公司Rise Vision的总经理Ryan Cahoy说“无论设计师摆放的是一个静态广告牌还是数字显示屏,创建一种能在视觉上引人注目的连接信息非常重要。

Targeted Messaging


Cahoy says that the “less-is-more” model is the best practice when creating digital signage content. It is easy to be lured into throwing every possible element onto your screen, but it is probably best to make sure that the message is clear.


“A skilled designer recognizes that they need to use as few words as possible and with digital they have the opportunity to use subtle movement or animation to help draw eyes to the display,” Cahoy says. “So, there may be a little ongoing education about the technology to do animation, but a good designer or graphic artist can absolutely move into digital.”


It’s important to keep in mind how a viewer will consume the digital message. For instance, how much time will they have before they move away from the sign?


“Make sure the content fits the format,” offers Jody Smith, product manager at digital signage solutions provider Broadsign. “For example, it’s best not to display a text-heavy print ad on a highway-side billboard where the audience might only see it for three seconds.”

数字标牌解决方案供应Broadsign的产品经理Jody Smith表示“确保内容与格式相协调,例如,最好不要在高速公路边的广告牌上展示文字密集的平面广告,毕竟受众可能只能看到它三秒钟。

Jay Saret, business development manager for digital signage equipment distributor Almo Professional A/V, refers to this as “dwell time”—the length of time that a viewer allows himself or herself to be captivated by the sign. If the message can fit into this time—and be effective, then it has done its job.

数字标牌设备经销商Almo Professional A/V的业务开发经理Jay Saret将此称为“停留时间”,即受众允许自己被标识吸引的时间长度。如果传递的消息内容可以适应这个时间并且能够产生效果,那么它就完成了它的工作。

“How long is the customer going to look at the screen?” Saret asks. “The content should be created based on the average amount of time it will be viewed. If it’s in an elevator or at a point in a line for a theme park ride, and the viewer is only going to see the screen for 20 to 30 seconds, then the content should be created with that time span in mind.”


Relevant Content


Of course, along with understanding your dwell time, it’s just as important to fill that time with relevant messaging. This could factor in elements like the environment or location.


“Include relevant, useful information to make the content helpful as well as informative,” suggests Smith. “A great example of this is a Virgin train ad comparing the amount of time it would take to arrive to a destination by car and by train. It’s a simple idea, but it’s informative and effective.”


Another question to ponder: Are demographics relevant to each specific message? In other words, should a message be tailored to reach different audience sets? And furthermore, are there useful tactics to attract those viewers who might be more comfortable with digital applications than others?


“Incorporate social data and user-driven content,” advises Smith. “Getting the consumer involved in the ad helps increase awareness, viral potential, recall, etc. Keep in mind that when doing this, it’s important to ensure that the platform used has moderation included.”


Because of the constant interaction that results from social media applications, involving this kind of content in a digital sign should enhance viewers’ experience. For the content provider, this is not only effective but also relatively simple to implement.


“You could argue that using social media is a form of content automation as it is a steady stream of new and fresh content that is relevant to a specific college or hash tag,” Cahoy says.


Content Applied


Today, digital signage applications can be found in almost any location imaginable. If there are crowds to reach, a digital sign is a suitable solution.


“Any location where digital signage can provide useful information to someone on the go is always helpful,” says Smith, citing malls, entertainment venues, and other high-traffic areas as viable locations.


And with this type of signage on the rise, it is becoming more prevalent in previously untapped areas. “I think we are seeing signage pop up in nearly every environment and new and creative uses are surfacing every day,” Cahoy says, pointing to projects that he has recently executed. “At Rise we do a lot with education, so in the context of those users I think content automation is important to help keep screens fresh—in the business school, automating to show live financial quotes—in the hallways, tying into an event management system—or for donor walls, tying into a managed listing of donors to ensure the content is always correct.”


Two Kinds of Content


Saret categorizes the content for digital signage applications into two groups.


The first is "Dynamic Content," that should be “tied to a pre-existing content platform, and is automatically being updated, such as weather, news, sports or social media,” he explains. “It could also be content that's specific to the venue that is being changed by the company, such as product specials or promotions at a fast food restaurant or clothing store.”


This type of messaging allows for remote changes that correspond with business decisions such as inventory control or other variable conditions.


The second group is "Content Tied to the Goal of Digital Signage," which is content that “should address the questions of why the screen is going up as well as where its being placed,” Saret says.


In most instances, the type of content that is delivered to the screen will depend on the client’s preferences and situational circumstances.


What’s on the Market


For sign makers involved in content for digital signage, it is important to know what solutions are available and how to properly employ them.


“There are premise-based solutions that require proprietary software and someone onsite to make changes,” Saret says. “Or a customer can choose cloud-based solutions, which allow the screen content to be changed from any device with an Internet connection. Finally, slide show/data driven content is created with images and slides without the need to know Photoshop or PowerPoint.”


Oftentimes, the surroundings of the sign will determine which set-up is most feasible. A single screen in a small convenience store may run a looping video promotion, whereas a multi-display configuration at a professional sports arena will likely receive customized data from a host.


Technology and ease-of-use is pushing the content management of digital signage toward hosted solutions. This type of set up takes the burden off the sign owner and allows professional content providers to handle the load.  


No matter the configuration, there is a tremendous opportunity for sign makers to get involved with digital signage—and the management of content—as electronic displays are becoming more popular than ever before.



