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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2018年8月杂志_ 赏析LED照明技术创造的浮华世界

2018年8月杂志_ 赏析LED照明技术创造的浮华世界


"The integration of media facades in a building structure is transforming how architecture creates buildings," noted Tom Powley, president of GKDUSA, a company that works in collaboration with ag4 (Cologne, Germany). They are the manufacturer of Mediamesh a metal woven fabric with an embedded LED video display within the mesh and used as a covering in front of the building.
GKDUSA是一家与ag4(德国科隆)合作的公司,其总裁Tom Powley指出:“介质立面在建筑结构中的整合,正在改变建筑物的外观。”他们专注于LED显示屏的研发与制作,成功开发了多种金属织物内嵌LED显示屏,来用作建筑物的表面覆盖。
"The creation of a media facade on a building allows the building to come 'alive'," stated Powley, "with a changing look of imaging and lighting in relation to its surrounding cityscape. This is a development of corporate branding and corporate identity programs with its highest and most visible presence. This, in effect is a new era for corporate displays."
The big issues in managing a media facade project are finding the right match between the building project and the type of LED media facade display that will cover the building. Content is very important as to what will be shown on the building, and as well, who will produce and manage the content. Public Service Announcements to the community is also an important consideration of content management, particularly the percentage split of how much time is donated to PSA content. Finally, the most important question, can the media facade have a revenue model? This is sometimes an iffy proposition.
Let's examine a worldwide tour of some recent media facades including the Faberge Egg, (Macau, China), The Khalifar Sports Stadium (Doha, Qatar), The Miracle Mile Shops (Las Vegas) and host of other video covered installations of equal import.
我们熟知最耀眼的建筑外观,包括Faberge Egg(中国澳门),Khalifar体育场(多哈卡塔尔体育场),Miracle Mile商长(拉斯维加斯商场),这些都是利用照明技术与进口设施创造出的。

Faberge Egg - Grand Lisboa

Macau, China has become the Asian Las Vegas and like Las Vegas is continuing to add layers of digital sign glitz to brighten up their building coverage. Recently, the Grand Lisboa hotel in Macau built the Faberge Egg, its companion casino that is shaped as an egg cut lengthwise. Like its gem-encrusted namesake, the Grand Lisboa's rendition glows with a distinct awe-inspiring LED video facade that promotes the good fortunes to be had by those visiting the casino.
中国澳门已被称为亚洲拉斯维加斯,而美国拉斯维加斯正在继续增加数字标牌浮华层来增加他们的建筑覆盖率。最近,澳门的新葡京酒店建造了Faberge Egg,它的赌场被塑造成一个纵长的鸡蛋形状,就像它的宝石镶嵌的同名一样,焕发出独特的LED显示外观,也象征着促进前往赌场的人能获得好运。

The Faberge Egg LED facade was created by Daktronics (Brookings, SD) with the introduction of the ProPixel, a new LED video element that can present full-motion video for large-scale architectural applications. Formed in the shape of a hockey puck, it includes 20 RGB LED embedded within its surface (8 R, 6 G and 6 B), with a 140 degree horizontal viewing angle and a 60 degree vertical POV. The Egg itself is gargantuan at 184 feet high (56 m), 620 feet wide (189 m).
Faberge Egg LED外墙由达科电子(位于美国印第安纳州布鲁金斯市)创建,ProPixel是一种新型LED显示元件,可为大型建筑应用提供全动态视频。它被制造成一个曲棍球形状,包括20个RGB LED嵌入其表面(8 R,6 G和6 B),140度水平视角和60度垂直POV。 鸡蛋本身庞大,长达184英尺(56米),宽620英尺(189米)。
The implementation of this unique media facade involved several separate design projects, first being the creation of the Daktronics ProPixel element, and second creating the steel structural frame that covered the concrete shell and became the interface connecting the ProPixel modules to the building structure. The ProPixel LED puck module was designed to act as an architectural LED unit that could conform to any building shape as a cladding element.
这个独特外观的实施涉及几个独立的设计项目,首先是创建达科电子ProPixel元素,第二个是创建覆盖混凝土外壳的钢结构框架,成为连接ProPixel模块和建筑结构的接口。 ProPixel LED冰球模块被设计用作建筑单元,可以与任何建筑形状一致,作为覆层元件。
Once the Faberge Egg concrete shell was completed, a grid of LED interconnecting brackets was mounted on the shell. Also fitted onto the grid were 12,000 triangular colored glass panels whose structure was designed by architects, Dennis Lau & Ng Chun and consultant Shen Milsom & Wilke. Inserted between each triangular glass panel was a ProPixel unit, in total 58,000 LED modules were used to fill out the egg-shaped facade. One of the big design challenges for Daktronics was that the resultant video screen was not your typical flat screen, but more an egg-shaped hemispherical screen that required special video "mapping" of content to properly fit a distortion-free image on the side of the Faberge Egg's media facade. To manage the video content, Daktronics provided two of its Venus-7000 video controllers with an off-the-shelf Scala video server linked to two V-link video processors. Complementing the hotel / casino complex, Daktronics also applied a series of ProPixel units as a decoration to the marquee's sign lighting and the hotel's big channel letters. Finally it capped the top o f the hotel with an LED placement on top of the hotel's dome.
一旦混凝土外壳完成,LED互连托架网格就能被安装在外壳上。他们在网格上安装了12,000个三角形彩色玻璃面板,其结构由建筑师Dennis Lau&Ng Chun和顾问Shen Milsom&Wilke设计。在每个三角形玻璃面板之间插入一个ProPixel单元,共有58,000个LED模块用于填充蛋形立面。但是,达科电子面临一个重大的设计挑战,产生的视频屏幕不是典型的平面屏幕,而是蛋形半球形屏幕,这需要特殊的视频映射内容才能正确地适应无失真图像。为了管理视频内容,Daktronics为其两个Venus-7000视频控制器提供了与两个V-link视频处理器相连的Scala视频服务器。作为综合体的补充,Daktronics还应用了一系列ProPixel设备作为装饰标牌照明灯和槽型发光字,并设置了一个LED照明标识,放在酒店的顶部。
Upon completion, the Faberge Egg media facade really shined as its video imagery effortlessly glided across the screen. In one instance, a video display presented the egg as a vast aquarium with Koi fish swimming around the front of the building as if the Egg was a fish tank. Another visual transformed the Egg into an eyeball which looked around. And of course, the exploding Egg which unveiled gold coins wishing people good luck and fortune during their casino visit.
完成后,Faberge Egg的外观真正在发光,视频图像在屏幕上轻松滑行。在一视频中,显示器将鸡蛋呈现为一个巨大的水族馆,锦鲤鱼在建筑物前方游动,就好像鸡蛋是鱼缸一样。 另一种视觉将鸡蛋变成了环顾四周的眼球然,爆炸式的鸡蛋揭开了金币的序幕,希望人们在赌场参观期间会有好运。

Khalifa Stadium, Doha Qatar

Across the world in the Middle East, Doha Qatar was the international host to the 15th Annual Asian games. The Games, which have the same importance in Asia as the Olympics have in the Western hemisphere, also had a very elaborate and extensive pair of opening and closing ceremonies of parades, speeches and acrobatic displays. These massive celebrations were expected to be viewed by hundreds of thousands of Asian Games attendees and a television viewing audience of at least three billion game enthusiasts.
In an effort to showcase those ceremonies in the grand style they deserved, Asian Game planners decided that the Khalifa Stadium (50,000-seat soccer stadium) in Doha would inherit a media facade within the sports stadium that would allow the entire audience facing the screen to easily view the ceremonies within the stadium center field. To acquire such a massive viewing arrangement, the Doha Asian Games Organizing Committee commissioned Element Labs (Santa Clara, CA), a manufacturer of LED video display screens for audio-visual and architectural design, to create a sports stadium viewing display equal to the task. 
为了展示他们举办的盛大仪式,亚运会规划者决定,拥有50,000座位的哈利法体育场体育场将设置一个体育场内的LED立面,让整个观众面对屏幕轻松观看体育场中心场地内的仪式。为了能顺利进行如此大规模的工程,多哈亚运会组委会委托加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉Element Labs公司(一家视听和建筑设计的LED显示屏制造商)创建一个专门设立在体育场的LED显示屏。
The final LED viewing screen shaped like a half-moon was 541 feet (165m) long, reaching a height of 129 feet (39m) at its peak. Altogether the video screen covered an area of 48,400 square feet (4,500m square). To create this visual wonder, Element Labs utilized one of its core products, Versa RAY, of which 20,000 units of varying lengths were used and fitted against the screens support structure. Versa RAYs come in the form of RGB linear tubes and for the Khalifa Stadium project were set at a pixel pitch of 77mm. Each Versa RAY was typically three meters long and formed as a 3/4" diameter tube. All Versa RAY units were weather-proofed and set vertically on a pre-existing modular truss infrastructure.
这个LED半月形屏幕长541英尺(165米),高度达129英尺(39米),屏幕总共占地48,400平方英尺(4500平方米)。为了创造这种视觉奇迹,Element Labs利用其核心产品之一的Versa RAY,将20,000个不同长度的单元安装在屏幕的支撑结构上。Versa RAYs以RGB线性灯管的形式呈现,而Khalifa Stadium项目则以77mm的像素间距设置。每个Versa RAY通常长3米,形成3/4直径的管子,所有Versa RAY设备都可以在不受天气影响的情况下,垂直放置在预先存在的模块化桁架基础设施上。
To present the project, Chris Varrin, co-founder and VP at Element Labs discussed the logistics and challenges of building one of the world's biggest free-standing LED video displays in the wide open desert environs of Doha. "To establish the sheer size of the video screen, we began by building a proof-of-concept prototype that was a one hundred meter square LED video mock up of the stadiums media facade. Once built, it was tweaked and tested until the customer was happy in how the screened looked in terms of pixel brightness and pitch separation. With that acceptance, we further developed the mock up, met the criteria of wind loading and ambient daytime temperatures, and other weather proofing concerns".
为了展示该项目,Element Labs的联合创始人兼副总裁Chris Varrin讨论了在多哈广阔的沙漠环境中,构建世界上最大的独立LED显示器的物流与挑战。为了确立屏幕的绝对规模,我们首先构建了一个概念验证原型,它是一个一百平方米的LED模拟体育场外观模型,一旦建成,它就会进行调整和测试,直到客户对于像素亮度和间距分离方面的筛选结果感到满意,随着接受度的提高,我们进一步开发了模拟测试,满足风荷载和环境日间温度的标准,以及天气问题。
Construction and desert environmental concerns became big challenges in building the Khalifa Stadium display, which included:

Screen size defines video signal distribution

How would a video signal be distributed in real time to provide a complete image that would simultaneously fill a 48,000 square foot display? "Our solution was to divide the video screen into many smaller viewing segments (think tile sections) and reduce the bandwidth to allow the fastest possible pathway to establish simultaneous image distribution. As the Versa RAY modules were put in place, we followed with immediately installing power and data hook-ups to the screen as well.
为了使视频信号实时分发以提供完整的图像,同时能填充48,000平方英尺的显示屏,他们的解决方案是将屏幕划分成许多较小的观看区域,并减少带宽,以允许多路径建立同时的图像分布。随着Versa RAY模块的安装,我们随即将电源和数据连接到屏幕上。

Wind loads

To solve the wind loading problem, the LED video screen was designed as a series of vertical ribs from which the Versa RAY LED modules were mounted upon. Given the 'gaps' between each rib component (77mm pitch), the LED screen became wind transparent allowing the wind to pass right through the screen. While the gaps were visible close up, at night when the LED screen was operational, it became visually opaque presenting a solid video image to audiences.
为了解决风荷载的问题,LED屏幕被设计成一系列垂直形状,从中安装Versa RAY LED模块。考虑到每个肋骨组件(77毫米间距)之间的间隙,LED屏幕设计成透明的,允许风通过屏幕,虽然透明的LED屏幕近距离才可见,但在晚上运行时,它在视觉上变成不透明的,给观众呈现稳固的视频图像。
Dealing with daytime heat

The Khalifa Stadium was located as an outdoor sports stadium in an extremely harsh environment with daytime temperatures of at least 115 degrees. To complete the erection of the screen, most of its assembly was done at night when the area was significantly cooler than during the day.
Sharif Hashisho, director of ceremonies and cultural events at the Asian Games noted, "At every Olympic ceremony there is always a number of new technologies that are introduced. In our opening/closing ceremonies, it was our new LED stadium display. The presentation of the screen has made both Beijing and London Olympic organizing committees worried about if and how they could top our screen."
亚运会仪式和文化活动负责人Sharif Hashisho指出:“在每一届奥运仪式上,总是会引入一些新技术在我们的开幕式和闭幕式上,这是我们新的LED球场显示屏,这个屏幕让奥运组委会和所有观众看到了屏幕上的精彩。”

Las Vegas Building Wrap

Across the hemisphere in Las Vegas where fantastic spectaculars crowd around each other for competing sightlines, a recent LED sign addition proved to be the city's first media facade. Placed as a promotion for the Miracle Miles Shops (opened 2007), it was a 170-store shopping and entertainment (live theater, night clubs, and dining) center that is anchored by the Planet Hollywood (formerly the Aladdin) hotel/casino. More than just being on The Strip, it is equally important that it has a prominent visibility that allows Las Vegas visitors to easily notice the shopping center as a distinct place to visit.
在整个拉斯维加斯的半球里,梦幻般的壮观景象围绕在一起,形成统一而各具特色的视点,就比如最近安装的一个LED显示屏被证明是该城市最受欢迎的景观之一。作为Miracle Miles Shops推出活动的传播工具,它联合了好莱坞星球酒店所锚定的170家商店和娱乐中心(现场剧院,夜总会和餐饮)中心,它不仅仅是在拉斯维加斯大道上具有突出的可视性,还可以让拉斯维加斯的游客轻松地注意到购物中心是一个独特的参观地点。
To create that visual "specialness," MMS commissioned YESCO, Inc. (Las Vegas) to design and install a series of LED video screens (PRISM Display System with a 25mm pitch) that formed a media facade that fit across the upper third of the building, following its contours completely covering the front of the building (facing The Strip) and both sides of the building which faced vehicular traffic approaching it from either direction towards the building.
为了创造视觉上的特殊性,MMS委托YESCO公司(拉斯维加斯)设计和安装一系列LED屏幕(25mm间距的PRISM显示系统),该屏幕形成了一个立面, 这个LED显示屏完全覆盖了建筑物的正面,并且在建筑物的两侧,从任一方朝向建筑物的车辆都能注视到。
The building's media facade operation was discussed by Russell Joyner, Miracle Miles Shops Senior Vice President and General Manager who noted, "Currently, most of the content on the MMS media facade is divided between promoting MMS as its own brand, and as well, presenting the sales and service offerings of its on-site tenants. Eventually, we also see third-party advertising as another component to our content mix."
Mirage Miles Shop高级副总裁兼总经理Russell Joyner对拉斯维加斯大厦的外观发表了看法,他指出:“目前,MMS媒介外观上的大部分内容促进了MMS的品牌形象、销售和服务,最终,我们还将第三方广告视为我们内容组合的另一个组成部分。”
The MMS building is also unique in that its fabulous location places it directly opposite the Belligio hotel/casino, which offers several times a day, each day, an outdoor festive water show which captures the attention of passing visitors. The Balligio water show has also become a prime time for the MMS media facade to highlight itself and encourage spectators to cross the street to check out the MMS. As a people magnet, the media facade works like a charm as Joyner stated, "With our media facade in operation in creating more attraction and awareness to our shopping center, we're probably now in access of more than a 25% increase in sales traffic (than we anticipated) to our property."
"More than just being a series of LED signs, we see our media facade," stated Joyner, "as a window to looking inside of Miracle Miles Shops, allowing viewers to quickly learn about our tenant and sales opportunities and just come on in.
Joyner表示,“LED显示屏作为一个互动窗口,让大家可以看到Miracle Miles商场的内部,从而快速了解我们的商铺和购买机会。”

Mark IV
Mark IV

In yet another corporate media facade application, WGBH (Boston), a non-profit public television station is building their new corporate headquarters commissioned from the former Mark IV (Plano, Texas), as explained by National Sales Manager, Dennis Hickey, "A media facade designed to display a 'lifestyle' presence rather than an advertising or a typical branding piece." Essentially, WGBH's approach was to develop their media facade as a window into a visual representation showcasing the perceived lifestyle of its viewers.
正如全国销售经理Dennis Hickey所解释的,另一家企业WGBH(波士顿)是一家非营利性公共电视台,他们正在建造由前Mark IV(德克萨斯州普莱诺)委托的新公司总部。建筑物外观旨在展示生活方式,而不是广告或典型的品牌形象。从本质上讲,WGBH是将他们的立面作为视觉展示的窗口,展示其观众的感知生活。
Boston being one of the few American cities outside of Manhattan's Times Square has approved its first media facade, which is seen every day by drivers passing it by the nearby highway. An interesting aspect of the media facade is that one and only one image a day is chosen to be displayed. It has become a big hit with the drivers who pass it, says Hickey, "wondering in anticipation what visual theme they'll see that day as they pass the WGBH headquarters."
Media facades are a new relationship of signage to architecture and one that has no limits to how it integrates itself on the front of a building. Neither height nor building shape is a restriction to fitting an LED video screen in place. Of greater importance is the context of the content to the surrounding public space where the building display now becomes a visual brochure of the company's corporate identity. With the groundswell of interest in building media facades it's only a matter of time before some potential client is asking for a digital building wrap to cover their new building. 


