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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2018年5月杂志_案例研究:班夫标识的发展历程



The Banff Sign Co., which was co-founded in 1986 by Larry Whan, recently changed ownership. As the only sign shop within Alberta’s Banff or Jasper National Parks, the company continues to keep busy serving a very specific niche.
由Larry Whan于1986年联合创办的班夫标识有限公司最近改变了所有权。作为阿尔伯塔省班夫和贾斯珀国家公园内唯一一家的标识商店,该公司一直针对特定的利基市场保持服务。
Bylaws in Banff, Jasper and Lake Louise, Alta., mandate dimensional wooden signs with no internal illumination, which are the artisan shop’s specialty. It sources kiln-dried Western red cedar from British Columbia, clearcoats it for long-term durability and custom-fabricates signs for dozens of hotels and hundreds of restaurants and other businesses in the parks, in many cases creatively exploiting the sunlight reflectivity of 23-karat gold leaf to make up for the absence of electrical illumination.

Schooled in sign arts

Whan moved to Banff as a self-described hippie with little more than a guitar. After a friend paid him to paint a banner, he decided he could make a business out of it. He teamed up with Gord Fisher to found the Banff Sign Co.
After Fisher passed away in 1993, Whan took over the entire business and continued to build its profile by diligently perfecting his craft of carving and finishing wooden signs for stores, restaurants, hotels, resorts and other local attractions. As his reputation grew, he also shared this craft with others, hosting workshops at the Banff School of Sign Arts and educating students from around the world in specialized skills like hand-carving and glass-gilding.
Indeed, Banff’s booming tourism industry brought global attention to Whan’s work, which played a major role in defining the look of the town. While his unique style was particular to the local market, some visitors from away who appreciated the esthetic ended up ordering their own wooden signs from him after they returned home, thus extending his artistic influence.
At the same time, Whan kept up with changesin the broader sign and graphics industry. He added computers, a 1.4-m (4.5-ft) wide inkjet printer and a 1.2 x 2.4-m (4 x 8-ft) computer  numerical control (CNC) router to his 209m2 (2,250-sf) shop—comprising three sections of the industrial compound, dedicated to woodworking, painting and digital design and printing—to expand his production capabilities. This allowed him to create everything from storefront window graphics to trade show booths.
同时,Whan也跟上了标识和图形行业长久以来的巨大变化。他在他的209平方米(2,250平方英尺)的商店中添加了一台1.4米(4.5英尺)宽的喷墨打印机和一台1.2 x 2.4米(4 x 8英尺)的数控切割机(其功能涵盖三大方面,分别是木工、绘画、数字设计和印刷),来提升他的生产技术水平。这使他的业务范围能够覆盖店面窗口图形到展览展台装饰的整个领域。
Eventually, Whan sold his house in Canmore, Alta., 20 minutes away from his shop, to move right into town. After months of looking for rental accommodations, however, he became frustrated with the zero vacancy rate of Banff’s housing market and he began to look into alternative options.
In 2014, the town’s municipal planning commission granted him permission to break with precedent, construct a 74-m2 (800-sf) one-bedroom apartment above his shop and thus become the first person ever to convert commercial space in Banff to residential space and live legally within its industrial park.

Selling the business

In 2016, after running the business for 30 years, Whan decided it was time to retire and put the shop up for sale, including the added apartment. At the beginning of December, he reduced his asking price due to a diagnosis of illness and announced he would close the doors for good if he did not receive an offer by the end of the year.
As it happened, entrepreneur Kelso Brennan came across the listing on Dec. 5. With a background in software development, Brennan had joined the sign industry in 2012, launching 310-SIGN, based in Bonnyville, Alta., to sell regulatory and compliance signage online. By developing a number of customer-specific e-commerce platforms and shipping orders from coast to coast, the business topped $1 million in sales in its first year and attracted thousands of online users.
与此同时,企业家Kelso Brennan于12月5日进入这个市场。2012年Brennan凭借其软件开发的背景,加入标识行业,推出了位于阿塔尔Bonnyville的310-SIGN,在线销售符合监管和规定的标识产品。他们通过开发一些专门面对客户的电子商务平台和接受海外的订单来开展工作,他们的业务在第一年的销售额突破了100万美元,吸引了数千名在线用户。
When Brennan happened to see Whan’s sale notice, he was in the process of selling 310-SIGN to Hi Signs/The Fath Group in Edmonton and, hence, was keeping an eye out for other ventures.
当Brennan碰巧看到Whan的售店公告时,他正在向Edwards的Hi Signs / Fath集团出售310-SIGN,因此非常关注其他企业的发展情况。
“Larry was an amazing craftsman, but pinched nerves were making it difficult for him to keep working,” he says. “I knew I could take some of my profits from my previous success to keep this business alive. I told my wife, Ashley, and my best friend and first employee, Brendon Rayner, this was something we needed to do together.”
他说:“Larry是一位了不起的工匠,但紧张的神经使他难以继续工作。我也许可以从以前工作中赚的钱来继续这个生意,于是我把我的想法告诉了我的妻子Ashley,以及我最好的朋友兼我的第一位员工Brendon Rayner,因为这是我们需要一起做的事情。”
They agreed and the Brennans purchased the Banff Sign Company in February 2017, paying Whan’s asking price. Rayner became chief creative officer (CCO) and general manager (GM), augmenting his 16 years of sign industry experience with one-on-one learning from Whan, who remained on-board as senior production advisor. Allyson Pehlemann, who had joined the business in 2014, continued to serve as its graphic designer.
征得了他们的同意之后,Brennans于2017年2月买下了班夫标识公司,并支付了Whan要求的价格。Rayner成为首席创意官(CCO)和总经理(GM),通过与Whan的一对一学习,丰富了他在标识行业中学习的16年的经验,因此他还成为了高级制作顾问。2014年加盟该公司的Allyson Pehlemann继续担任其平面设计师。
Brennan took on the responsibility of business development, focusing his efforts on finding ways to improve in-house processes, and his wife Ashley became CEO and creative lead, providing advice and leadership from their offices in Edmonton.

A dream come true

Rayner moved from Prince Albert, Sask., to Banff immediately after the purchase was finalized, staying in a short-term Airbnb rental until he could take over the apartment from Whan. The opportunity to run the shop was a dream come true.
“I received CorelDraw 4 as a Christmas gift when I was in junior high school and that got me into design,” he says. “I also did woodworking in my Grade 7 shop class. My earliest job experience in a Bonnyville sign shop, when I was in Grade 10, was with die-cut vinyl, no digital equipment. Now, after the high-volume, fast-paced digital print production of oilfield and traffic signs for Kelso’s dotcoms, this opportunity is a chance to again focus more on design, which has always been my number one passion, and traditional methods.”
他说:“我在初中时收到了CorelDraw 4作为圣诞礼物,这让我开始对设计产生了兴趣,我还在七年级的手工艺课上做过木工。在Bonnyville标识店工作的经历成为了我最早的工作经历,当时我正在上十年级,在没有数控切割设备的情况下要对乙烯基材料进行裁切。现在,在为凯尔索的达康公司的油田和交通指示牌生产了大批量和快节奏的数字印刷产品之后,这个经历再次成为我重新关注设计的机会,传统的设计方法一直是我的头号热情所在。”
He spent the next few months working with Whan, learning how to clearcoat, chisel, prime and paint cedar signs. Surrounded by hand tools, drill presses, saws and paintbrushes, he says it made him feel like a kid again.
“The floor here was smooth when Larry and Gord first moved in, but now it is very rough and bumpy from the 30-year buildup of drips of paint splattered all over the place,” Rayner says. “I really appreciate how much time and effort is required for each sign that comes through this shop. A new sign, from design to installation, takes 40 to 60 hours of labour, including a paint process over several days, but we are young, eager and not afraid to get our hands dirty!”

The path to future success

In May 2017, Whan stepped further away from the business. He moved into an angler’s lodge in Crowsnest Pass so he could spend most of his time fishing.
2017年5月,Whan进一步远离了业务工作。他搬到了Crowsnest Pass的一个垂钓者的小屋里,这样他就可以把大部分时间花在钓鱼上了。
The new owners did not miss a beat, growing the business by 15 per cent in their first year and hiring Brett Foskett to oversee local business development and Dean Keller for woodworking and installations.
新店主也并没有错失良机,他们第一年的业务增长了15%,并聘请Brett Foskett的负责监督当地业务发展,Dean Keller负责木工和设备安装。
“Banff is always changing, with businesses moving in and moving out, providing us with local clientele,” says Brennan. “We are now setting our sights on nearly doubling our sales by expanding in the Bow Valley and selling to other sign companies.”
Brennan说:“班夫总是在变化,工作一项接着一项出现,为我们提供当地的客户资源。我们现在的目标是通过拓展Bow Valley并向其他标识公司进行销售,来使我们的销售额翻番。”
Also, this summer, Brennan and Rayner plan to revive the Banff School of Sign Arts with a new curriculum, combining traditional signmaking skills with lessons about how to run a successful, profitable shop. Whan intends to return to teach some of the courses as a guest.
“Who wouldn’t like to travel to Banff to learn?” says Brennan. “We will tailor the material for smaller sign companies. Some of it will be taught at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity and the rest at the shop.”
“Walking down Banff Avenue is like looking at a portfolio of this company’s heritage and the direction it will take in the future,” says Rayner. “It’s exciting to be part of this and to continue the craft out here.”

Customizing a famous brand for Banff

1.Larry Whan (left) teaches Brendon Rayner (right) how to form sign blanks from Western red cedar.
1.Larry Whan(左)教Brendon Rayner(右)如何将西方红雪松木制作成空白的标识板。

2.Once the blanks are CNC-routed and V-carved, the copy is applied with enamel paint, then left to cure.

3.Rouge and size are applied before gilding.

4.The coves are gilded with 23-karat gold leaf.

5.Dimensional add-ons are also V-carved and base-coated with white enamel paint.

6.Each of the add-ons is hand-painted in detail.

7.The add-ons are masked and trimmed for finishing.

8.The signage is installed on-site, including maple hanging frame.


