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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2018年2月杂志——大幅面打印商如何挖掘更多的潜在客户



Graphics and sign makers with their eyes on bigger projects have likely wondered what it might take to step into the heavyweight category and be able to tackle the biggest of jobs, from museum graphics to advertising images that cover entire building facades.


The grand-format world, a general category for multi-format printed output exceeding 96 inches, does indeed offer a variety of potential markets for an enterprising sign company. That includes the potentially lucrative world of large indoor backlit signage, the kind seen at airports or other public buildings, as well as soft signage for trade shows, or even a wide variety of P.O.P. signage for retailers.

大幅面打印是超过96英寸、多格式打印产品的一个大类别,能为一个有远见意识的标识制造商提供各种潜在市场,包括大型的室内背光标牌(在机场或其他公共建筑中看到的那种),以及应用于贸易展览的软标牌,甚至是各种各样P.O.P. 零售商的标牌。

The major obstacle, as many have discovered, is the cost-prohibitive nature of the equipment required to output such enormous imagery—sometimes requiring large and complicated printers in the half-million-dollar price range—not to mention the logistical issues of the handling the oversized paper or other printing substrates required to get the really big jobs done, as well as the difficulties of shipping and installing finished work with customers.



But Michael Maxwell, senior director of marketing for Mimaki USA’s sign and graphics division, says a range of new equipment is emerging that can more effectively and affordably allow smaller sign shops to get into the game, giving them opportunities to address some of the many grand-format markets.

但Mimaki图形部门的高级营销总监Michael Maxwell表示:“一系列新设备正在形成,它们能够更有效、更经济地帮助小型标识制造商进入大幅面打印市场,为他们提供更多的选择和机会。”

“In the past, these sorts of printers were usually large, expensive and took up a lot of square footage in the shop itself,” Maxwell says. “We’ve been able to do something with smaller real estate, creating a product that’s easily accessible, even if you’re only doing smaller-format output [44 to 54 inches] some of the time. It’s a way to try to bring that flexibility to a traditional sign shop.”

Michael Maxwell说:“过去,这类打印机机身很大,价格昂贵,在生产厂占用的面积较大。现在,我们做了一些尝试性的创新,创造出了一个容易获取性的产品,即使在一定的时间,也能做出小尺寸的输出(44到54英寸),也正因为这种小尺寸的输出品,也为传统标识制造商带来了灵活性的操作方法和解决方案。”

In Mimaki’s case, the new UJV55-320 is a 3.2-meter wide (128 inch) UV-LED printer that retails in the $100,000 to $150,000 range—not cheap, Maxwell says, but approachable and flexible enough to help a mid-sized sign shop finally be able to do work they might have had to outsource in the past to a bigger and better-equipped commercial printer. It’s also capable of running two 60-inch rolls simultaneously, each with different output.



“Most of our customer base already has an established background of potential clients, but they’ve had to turn down jobs,” he says. “People just need to wrap their minds around a product that’s less expensive—the market has been conditioned to think that it’s better if it costs more.”


Once properly equipped, Maxwell says one of the biggest opportunities for using that grand-format capability is the booming trade show business, as sports, industry and entertainment shows keep expanding across the country. That includes retractable signs for trade show stands or even backlit fabrics, which are also gaining popularity.


“Trade show graphics offer a huge growth curve for traditional sign guys,” he says. “Inevitably something goes wrong when people are preparing for a show—something’s damaged or printed wrong—and they’ve always been at the mercy of whoever did the original printing. Now, a mom and pop business can step in do the fix. It’s also easier to produce and package—you’ve got lightweight output that doesn’t need huge tubes to ship, so you can fit it into UPS boxes. Even better, the end user can just simply replace the signs themselves.”


Nathan Collins, digital imaging specialist with Agfa Graphics, says another major market is the P.O.P. graphics world, as retailers are constantly changing and updating their signage to promote sales items and new products, meaning a seemingly endless need for new larger-format signs.

爱克发公司的数字成像专家Nathan Collins说:“大幅面打印应用的另一个主要市场是P.O.P. 图形,零售商不断地需要改变和更新他们的标牌,以促进销售项目和新产品的推广和宣传,这意味着对新的大幅面图形有着相当大的需求。

“P.O.P. is probably the biggest addressable market, as it can be handled by the smaller printers, and it’s an easy business to get into,” he says. “Consider that a company like 7-11 needs signs for every one of its locations. That’s a big market to address, and it’s all printed on specific substrates, like Coroplast or PVC, to make it weather-resistant.”

P.O.P. 可能是最大的可寻址市场,因为它可以由小型打印机处理。考虑像7-11这样的公司,每个位置都需要标识导视系统,这无疑是一个巨大的市场需求,而且这些大幅面打印图形都印在特定的基材上,如Coroplast或PVC,具有耐候性,能带动整个行业的发展。”


Agfa has some 17 different products in the grand-format range, including the new Jeti Mira 2.7-meter flatbed printer, which includes roll-to-roll options for flexible media output. That includes a “print and prepare” mode that allows pre-loading during operation to increase productivity.

爱克发拥有17种不同的大幅面打印产品,其中包括新型Jeti Mira 2.7米的平板打印机,拥有灵活性产品输出的卷到卷选项,和“打印和准备”模式,允许在操作过程中进行预加载,以提高生产力。

Collins says the key issue is to maintain output quality control, as those signs are going to be getting a lot of eyeballs and people will be viewing P.O.P. or trade show signage very closely. The good news, he says, is that a properly equipped sign shop can also be the go-to location for others in the sign community who don’t have the capability.

Collins说:“我们最在乎的问题是如何控制好产品的质量,高质量的设备才能输出高质量的产品,无论是在色域还是打印精准方面,才会有很细腻的体现,这将会吸引更多的眼球和焦点,人们将会看到P.O.P. 或贸易展示标牌的出色表现。所以说,一个设备齐全的标识制造商是在行业有竞争优势的基本条件。”

“I have one customer in Dallas who is able to do a lot of overflow work for other POP projects, so he’s able to keep busy,” he says. “There is a little difficulty with the seasonality of the trade show business—sometimes you’ll have days of overtime, and sometimes no business at all.”


Once they’re bitten by the grand format bug, Maxwell says signmakers can also consider what it takes to tackle the really large jobs—building-sized wraps, or billboard-sized imagery—though the level of expertise required for installation alone can pose some additional issues.

Maxwell:“标识制造商除了解决被大幅面打印所困扰的问题之外,也需要考虑如何处理真正的大型工作,包括包广告牌大小的图像等,虽然单独安装所需的专业水平可能会造成一些 其他问题,但把握好打印质量是关键所在。”


“The billboard business is still a little tougher to break into as it’s very tightly controlled, but you might be able to find some opportunities in building wraps,” he says. “Down here in Atlanta, you’re seeing a lot more of those full-building facades along I-85, with ads for companies like Chick-fil-A. That’s a big source of revenue for landlords, and a good source of income for sign companies.” 



