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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2017年8月杂志——宽幅打印选择合适墨水的优型策略



Are you confused by the choices you have is selecting the right printer technology to meet your needs? Fortunately, when it comes to ink sets you have choices and are not forced to “make do” with a system that may not fully meet your needs. For wide-format printing, there are now several ink chemistry choices.


Of course they are coupled to the inkjet printer system and cannot be chosen independently. You should know up front that no single ink technology can be used successfully for all printing applications. There is no magic bullet.


Initially, there was only aqueous (water-based) inks and solvent-based inks: aqueous for indoor prints, hot solvent inks for vinyl outdoor applications.


Hot solvents, though very effective, posed serious health concerns; however, as the technology matured, mild- or eco-solvent inks came to replace the harsher true solvents. Later, inks further evolved to include UV-curable and “Latex” ink systems. Here we will discuss the pros and cons of each of these technologies and look at the new option of UV LED ink technology.

溶剂型油墨虽然非常实用,但对人体的健康有重大危害。随着技术的成熟,环保型溶剂油墨的出现替代了溶剂型油墨。后来,墨水技术进一步演变,包括UV固化和乳胶墨水系统。在本文中,我们将分析这些最新墨水技术的优缺点,并探讨一种新的选择——UV- LED油墨技术。

Aqueous or Solvent


Hewlett Packard, Epson and Canon are the dominant suppliers of aqueous inkjet printers today. Aqueous printers provide exceptional image quality, a wide color gamut and good image permanence for indoor applications and for some outdoor applications when either a protective coating or laminate are used.

Hewlett Packard、爱普生和佳能是水性喷墨打印机的主要供应商。水性喷墨打印机在使用保护涂层或层压板时,可为室内应用和户外应用提供质量卓越、宽色域、持久性良好的图像。

Aqueous inks, however, require that substrates have an inkjet coating to absorb the ink, control drop spread and hold the pigment on the surface so that good color density can be obtained. As with all inkjet technologies the best results are always achieved when the printer, software, ink and media are optimized.


Commonly used substrates for wide-format inkjet are adhesive-backed vinyl and fabric-reinforced or “scrim” vinyl. With aqueous inkjet inks a coating is required for these materials, however for mild- and eco-solvent ink sets no coating is required. This is an advantage for eco-solvent inkjet.


Roland, Epson, Mimaki, OKI Data and Mutoh are major suppliers of mild solvent inkjet printers. Although mild solvent ink, once printed and dried, is not water sensitive, the very thin ink layer is still somewhat susceptible to physical damage and weathering so it is prudent to coat the printed vinyl to protect it. For canvas, paper and other films, a coating may still be required to insure good performance. Mild solvent inks do contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), though not in the high concentrations found in hot solvent inks, and although most have little or no smell they are still solvents, and they should be handled carefully, ventilated or sequestered, and waste ink needs to be disposed of properly.

Roland、Epson、Mimaki、OKI Data和Mutoh是溶剂喷墨打印机的主要供应商。即使溶剂墨水干燥,对水不敏感,但这种非常薄的墨水仍会受到损伤和风化,因此,需要涂上乙烯基来起保护作用。对于帆布、纸张或其他薄膜介质,也需要涂层以确保油墨能发挥良好的性能。此外,溶剂墨水具有挥发性,会挥发一些有机化合物。溶剂油墨几乎没有气味,但它们仍然是溶剂,应该小心处理,要进行通风或隔离,对废墨水也需要即时处理掉。


 Latex or UV LED


“Latex” ink is the name coined by Hewlett Packard for their water-based ink that incorporates a polymer binder to bond the pigments to the substrate. For vinyl applications, no coating is required. This system can effectively print directly onto a range of uncoated vinyl using heat to dry the ink so that it does not run and a binder to provide a film when dried.


The objective is to provide a durable image on uncoated vinyl without the solvents in eco-solvent ink. Like aqueous inks Latex inks provide a very “green” solution without the production of undesirable VOCs and solvent vapors. Still, for many other substrates a treatment or coating is suggested to provide an optimum solution. There are a range of substrates available that have been optimized for Latex printers.


Although available at a higher cost, UV-curable inkjet is also a contender to be considered. The ink includes little or no solvent or water and is cured when exposed to ultra violet light. The entire droplet is cured and becomes solid providing a polymer matrix that incorporates the pigments providing the color. This technology is ideal for certain applications, most popularly for printing onto rigid substrates such as composite aluminum, corrugated plastics, Dibond, PVC sheeting, foam board, etc.


Many of today's UV-curing printers are using an LED-based light source. LED refers to the use of light emitting diodes as the UV light source.


LED UV-cure systems evolved as an alternative to the use of much hotter conventional UV cure lamps employing arc lamp technology. LED cure lights are more energy efficient and run much cooler than conventional lights and this allows printing onto more heat-sensitive substrates that might otherwise curl or buckle under hot lights.


However, the UV-curable inks in both systems are similar and must be treated with respect.


As liquids, UV-curable inks are quite hazardous and require careful handling to avoid skin contact. Once the inks are cured they provide a relatively safe and durable image. Adhesion of the ink to the substrate—like all ink technologies—requires some optimization. On porous substrates, especially fabrics, the ink may soak into the surface prior to curing. The UV light must directly contact the ink to achieve curing. If beneath the surface and shielded from the UV light by a paper or fabric fiber the cure may be incomplete.


On nonporous surfaces there needs to be proper wetting by the ink and a surface that can bond to the ink when cured. Sometimes a treatment or coating may be required to get optimum performance. There are a range of substrates available that have been optimized for UV printing.


The newest UV-curable ink set to come online is called UVgel, a unique formula developed for Canon USA's new Oce Colorado 1640 printer. The unique gel properties of this ink reduce dot gain and offer other advantages. Although it's too soon to report on how it performs in the field, UV-cure ink safety precautions will certainly still apply. 

最新上市的UV固化油墨UVgel,是一款专为佳能制造的新型打印机Oce Colorado 1640设计的配方,具有独特的凝胶特性,可减少黑点的增加。有时打印出现了问题,系统报告延迟了,UV固化墨水的安全预防措施仍然适用。



With all of these choices—and we didn’t even discuss dye-sub inks for fabric printing—my best advice is that once you determine the printing applications that you anticipate, test each printer/ink system to determine which best meets your needs. Testing such as this can often be done through printer dealers and distributors.


Clearly the ink cost, printer speed and image quality, media cost and availability and final performance of the product you produce all need to be considered. The good news is that you do have a number of viable choices. The decision may not be easy; however, inkjet ink technology has come a long way and can provide great results for a wide variety of applications.



