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当前位置:首页 > 杂志 > 2017年8月杂志——先进的设备与技术决胜槽型发光字制作



There was once a time when almost everything was done manually. Some would call those the “good old days.” The practice of scrubbing clothes on a washboard, writing letters with a fountain pen, and painting signs with brushes was just how things were done.


Then came the technology boom. Automated processes allowed companies to output products as a faster rate, with more accuracy than ever before. Soon, manual production was seen as "vintage"—rendered archaic by today’s modern advancements.


Of course, we in the sign industry know that there will always be a place for handmade designs specific to displays and signage. We value much of this an art form—customized, one-of-a-kind pieces. By and large, however, automated processes have made life much easier for most sign makers, especially in the field of channel letter fabrication.

当然,在标识行业,还是存有一个专门用于手工制作设计标牌的地方。标识行业的专业人士非常重视这一艺术形式—— 手工定制成的产品。总的来说,自动化流程使大多数标牌制造商的制作过程变得更加容易,特别是在槽型发光字制作的领域。

“To be competitive in channel letters today, you need to be able to automate the process,” says Carl Ondracek, president of Computerized Cutters, Inc., a manufacturer of automated letter bending equipment. “The most time-consuming area is in the manual layout, notching, flanging, and bending of channel letter aluminum returns. A channel letter bending machine can eliminate about 80 to 90 percent of the labor time involved in this process.”

Computerized Cutters公司的总裁Carl Ondracek说:“现在,各公司为了在槽型发光字的制作中凸显自己的竞争优势,不得不需要进行自动化处理该过程,因为最耗时的制作部分是在手工布局,例如槽口、折边和弯曲的地方,槽型发光字弯曲机可以简化这个过程,减少大约80%到90%的劳动时间。”

Automation vs. Manual


For a business that produces several sets of channel letters per day—such as a channel letter wholesaler—a channel letter bending machine should be viewed as an essential piece of equipment that must be reliable throughout the production process.


“We have the best equipment money can buy,” says Warren Sciortino, owner of Colorado-based channel letter wholesaler LetterFab LLC. “Everything is computerized, and that’s the only way a wholesaler can operate.”

位于科罗拉多州,槽型发光字制造LetterFab有限责任公司的物主Warren Sciortino说: “我们会把资金重点投资在设备上,使生产流程一切都是电脑化,这是批发商惯有的操作方式。”

For sign makers who put out a lower volume of letters and lean toward more customized work, they might have a different manufacturing method; albeit more time-consuming and hands-on. Theirs is a manual technique.


“For a skilled craftsman,” starts Kevin Kane, sales manager at CLN of Florida, Inc., “they use a pencil, a ruler, a square and a sheet metal brake. With these tools, you can produce one letter every 30 to 45 minutes depending on the complexity of the artwork. People usually learn this trade by watching or working beside a craftsman as an apprentice.”

佛罗里达州CLN公司销售经理Kevin Kane表示:“熟练的工匠会经常用到铅笔、尺子和钣金制动器,使用这些工具,可以在每30至45分钟内生成一个字母,具体花费多长时间还得取决于单件艺术品的复杂性。

But speed is something to consider, especially with work involving strict deadlines.


“Equipment has evolved to take the skill out of the job,” Kane continues, “and the tools needed now are a CNC Router table, CNC notching machines, an CNC Auto Bending machine and an automated fasting machine.


Of course, price-conscious customers are not only concerned with time savings but cost savings as well. All totaled, “Automation can cut the costs by 50 to 75 percent over manually bending,” says Ondracek.


In addition to a bending machine for producing this type of work, Ondracek also notes that a CNC router is also required, and should run hand in hand with the automated channel letter machines. "The next piece of equipment would be a clinching machine to help eliminate the time needed to drill and rivet the aluminum backs onto the aluminum channel letter return.”


This may sound like a lot of equipment, but when a full arsenal is in place, the advantages can be tremendous.


When looking at channel letter equipment, there are several factors to consider when making the move to automate. Ondracek, who's company introduced the first automated channel letter bending machine in 1995, says that there are several advantages: increased speed, higher precision, less waste .


The Wholesale Model


As alluded to previously, wholesalers can play a big role in channel letter production. Sciortino attributes his company’s popularity to the idea that the industry is shifting away from in-house manufacturing due to better costs when buying wholesale.


“A local sign company could get a job for 50 sets of letters and (the customer will) say they’ll need to have them done in a month or two,” Sciortino explains. “Typically, they might be able to make their own letters, but they can’t make 50 sets.”


For retail sign makers, wholesalers can help keep the overhead down by offering lower prices at a much quicker turnaround rate.


“They have all of the latest equipment,” says Sciortino, “trim cap machines, channel bending machines, routers—everything you’d need to produce channel letters at a good cost.”


According to Sciortino, most retail companies take an hour or two to make their channel letters, whereas LetterFab can do the same job in six to eight minutes. Kane testifies to the speed of this equipment by pointing to his company’s most effective offerings.  


“CLN of South Florida has taken channel letter fabrication to a higher level,” he says. “We wanted to make the fastest process in the world, and have achieved that with our CNC Auto Bender. And it’s the roll forming tools that really set CLN apart from machine in the marketplace. Roll forming the radius makes for a smooth and fast process. This machine produces one letter every two to three minutes.”

位于南佛罗里达州的CLN公司已经将槽型发光字的制作推向了一个更高的层次,物主说: “我们希望通过最新设备,达到世界上最快的速度来制作槽型发光字,我们的速度达到了每两到三分钟生成一个字母,而且我们拥有的这些设备与市场上的机器能明显区分开来。”

 “I’ve been in every phase of the sign industry,” he recalls. “I remember when everyone was using a Gerber Signmaker III. I’ve seen everything progress. When I started, everything was being done by hand.”


Today, customers are sensitive about deadlines and cost. Who do they go to when they need a quick job at a lower price? The wholesaler.


“When I got into the wholesale side, I thought this would be a pretty good market down the road,” says Sciortino. “And now we do work in every state. Two years ago we opened another plant in New Orleans, and it gave us additional distribution. Our goal is to get a channel letter project out in three to five days. Other companies might take a week to two weeks.”


The Value of Speed


The value of speed—when it comes to completing channel letter projects—cannot be overstated. It’s one of the most important elements to customers when they decide to place a sign order. Clients want projects done on time, and they want them done right.


“The first word out of a customer is: ‘How long is it going to take?’ If you tell someone six weeks and someone else can do it in two weeks, it’s a big difference,” says Sciortino.


And if speed wasn’t enough, there are equally important elements of quality and accuracy to be considered. 


“Now we can do a four- or five-inch channel letter with the equipment we have—where years ago the lowest profile letters we could do is 12 or eight or nine inches,” says Sciortino. “With the new equipment, you can do a nice small channel letter and put LEDs in there.”


This focus on accuracy also becomes relevant when a channel letter needs replacing. If a sign maker is doing a job by hand, it is much more difficult—and time-consuming—to manually travel to the project site, take a pattern of the sign, re-create and replace it.


Channel letter production has certainly changed throughout the years. As Kane says, “You can use many different tools it all depends on your skillset.” But with all of the new innovations on the market today, which can add value to a sign job, it’s imperative to stay on top of the latest solutions. Kane warns, “You have to keep up with technology or you fall behind and become one of those dinosaurs.”

多年来,槽型发光字的制作一直在发生变化。正如 Kane所说:“你可以使用许多不同的工具,一切都取决于你的技能,但是,随着市场上不断创新的技术,为了你签署的工作增加价值,我们必须保持拥有最新的解决方案,必须跟上技术,否则我们就会被淘汰。”



