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Musical Showcase: 427 Design puts capabilities on display in training room


By Paula Aven Gladych

An Akron, Ohio-based graphic design firm got a chance to create an innovative sales and training space for one of its large-format printing clients: an indoor street scene with a musical theme.


427 Design was asked by Imagine This, a large format wholesale printer that outsources to smaller printing companies, to come up with a way to showcase its products and abilities in a creative, memorable and functional way, says Brad Hain, president of 427 Design.

427设计公司的总裁,布拉德•海恩表示,这次设计项目是为Imagine This量身定做的。Imagine This是一家将业务外包给小型印刷公司的,大规模批发打印公司,擅长在创造性、功能性、印象深刻性等方面,展示其产品和业务能力。

“It will be a sales training thing for their people as well as onsite for some local printers to come look and see all the things they do,” he says.


The company had a small conference room on the second floor that wasn’t being used so the team at 427 Design set to work coming up with a concept.


“[Our contact at ImagineThis] said, ‘we have all these materials and want to show them in practice instead of samples of each piece,” says Andrea Brown, client service director for 427 Design. Since most of what they offer is outdoor signage, the challenge was “how to come up with a scene indoors that feels outdoors.”

427设计公司的客户服务总监,安茱莉娅•布朗说:“我们和Imagine This公司进行了沟通,他们希望通过室内设计来展示他们的样品,所以提供给我们的材料,大部分都是室外标识牌。因此对我们来说,这个设计项目最大的挑战是,没有违和感的,将室外的场景搬进室内。”

What it came up with was a musical theme. Music “resonated with everyone in some way,” she says. The company created a music store front that was having a sidewalk sale. As part of the sidewalk display, the company wrapped three old guitars and a drum kit to make them look new and placed signs advertising the sale, as well as a point of purchase display for music CDs out front. A street travels down the middle of the room. The opposite side of the room is covered in a wall mural that shows a city view and park scape. In front of that are signs and fence banners advertising an upcoming concert in the park.


“The idea was to give them a great idea. Imagine some of this stuff happening. They can visualize it, touch it and get a good idea of all this stuff,” Hain says.


Erik Baker, vice president of sales for ImagineThis in Massillon, Ohio, said that his company employs many customer service representatives. When the company hires new ones, it wanted a place where internal people could train them and help them “better understand what these applications are used for: awnings, yard signs. When you see real life things like that it makes them understand it. That way they know it a lot better to help customers when they call in and ask questions about these products.”

Imagine This在俄亥俄州马西隆的销售副总,艾瑞克•贝克说:“我们公司雇佣了很多客户服务代表。当公司和一个新公司合作时,我们会为对方公司派出的技术人员,提供一个培训的空间,帮助他们更好的掌握设备的应用。当真正接触到实际物品时,你才能更快速的了解它。通过这种方式,当有顾客咨询有关产品时,他们才能更好的答疑解惑。”

Baker says his only recommendation to the team at 427 Design was to “make it energetic and fun and something everyone has in common with and that’s what they did.”


“It didn’t originate as a music theme at first,” says Brown. Originally they had the idea of creating a park with turf on half of the room with a street wending through the middle and numerous storefronts on the opposite wall.


“We went down that path for a week and then we were in a meeting internally, everyone was bouncing ideas,” she says. Attendees agreed that the project still seemed disjointed. It needed a theme running all the way through. The company’s creative director threw out the idea of music as a theme. That’s when it all clicked, she says. They ran the idea by Baker and he loved it.


For the project, the team at 427 Design went to thrift stores around town and brainstormed. They purchased old windows and doors for the store front, old guitars and drum sets to place in front of the music store and even called a scrap yard to see if it had the back end of a van it could use.


It did and they cut the back off the van to place in the room’s closet. The van still has working tail lights and the doors of the van open into the closet, where there are shelves with simple materials inside. The van was covered in a vehicle wrap that makes it look old and rusty.


“It was a really fun project,” Brown says.


The van and the backlit awning at the front of the music store are the main focal points of the room. The project even utilized printed window perfs on conference room windows that look down on the production room floor.


Baker says that it would be great if larger small sign shops could do something similar to peddle their wares.


“If they have end users, it would really help them sell that product too,” he adds.


Imagine This has an online store for resellers and it takes orders night and day. It handles larger projects that the smaller shops aren’t equipped to handle. The company employs 15 people that work three shifts throughout the day.

Imagine This有一家在线销售的经销商,工作室完工后,每天都会有订单。这家小型的商铺,面对大量的销售额,雇佣了15个员工,分成三个班次,全天工作。

427 Design is a 10-year-old graphic design firm that considers itself a creative solutions company.


“We do more than graphic design. We think beyond and use graphic design as a way into creative solutions for people: video, animation, photography, screen printing, illustrations, you name it,” says Hain. The company employs nine people.



