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Wayfinding: Case study on Calgary International Airport


On October 31, 2016, YYC Calgary International Airport opened its newest terminal to the public, the result of a major expansion that included two new concourses and 24 additional gates. The airport’s larger size will allow it to accommodate increasing numbers of flights to and from the U.S. and other international destinations, as well as facilitate a ‘hub-centric’ approach to improve efficiency and the passenger experience.



The Calgary Airport Authority’s original plan was to add facilities northward, but in the end, the expansion moved eastward instead. It is hoped to better position both the airport as a leader in Canada’s travel industry and the city of Calgary as an international hub unto itself. By way of example, a state-of-the-art baggage handling system could handle 4,000 arriving and 3,400 departing bags at once, with tracking and sorting capabilities to support compliance with international security requirements, but also to make flight connections easier for passengers. Designated areas would also allow passengers to check their own bags without the help of a dedicated attendee.


For the expanded airport, Toronto-based environmental graphic design (EGD) firm Entro provided a comprehensive sign program, spanning the parking garage, check-in halls, arrivals ‘meeter/greeter’ area, central departures area, security and customs facilities, baggage claim area, shops, restaurants, service areas and a variety of themed displays.


Dubbed the international facilities project, the expansion was the airport’s largest to date, with the new terminal adding some 185,806 m2 (2 million sf) to the total area. Entro began working with the project’s architects at Dialog’s Calgary office in 2007, when they were still in the early stages of master planning for the terminal.

这个拥有配套国际设施项目的机场,新航站楼总面积约为185,806平方米(200万平方英尺)。 2007年,终端总体规划处于初期阶段,Entro开始与Dialog卡尔加里办公室的项目建筑师合作。

As the scope of the project grew, Entro identified areas that would need to be modified accordingly, including signage for the YYC Link, a compact transit system between the old and new terminals. Also, the gates would have to be renumbered to accommodate the airport’s new master plan and architectural configuration.

随着项目范围的扩大,Entro认定一些区域需要有相应的改建,其中包括YYC Link的标牌和一个处于新旧终端之间的紧急通道系统。此外,所有的出入口将重新编号,以适应机场的总体规划和建筑配置。

For these reasons, Entro’s team was integrated into the overall strategy for retrofitting the airport.


A seamless system

One of the primary objectives for Entro was to create a seamless system for passengers to navigate, from the roads leading to the airport to their final boarding gate.


“That experience was among our key considerations,” says Gord McTaggart, senior associate. “It was a question of how we could manage all of the interaction points with passengers, from when they arrive at the airport to when they board the plane. When done well, wayfinding refines that experience in a holistic and positive way.”

高级助理Gord McTaggart“如何能够管理好乘客从到达机场到登机时所接触的交互点是我们考虑的关键。我们需要利用标识导航系统以积极有效的方式来解决很多寻路问题。

With a phased changeover for the airport’s concourses, there was a risk of confusing passengers during the transformation. So, during construction of the terminal, Entro’s work began with a transitional wayfinding system to ‘ease in’ some of the new elements of the facility and avoid problems. This involved rolling out new signs for roadways, parking areas, washrooms, gates and concourses.


Entro also played an advisory role in the full strategic implementation of the updated signage program for the entire airport, including the existing terminals. There were many stakeholders involved in the project, including the client organization at the executive and operational levels, the architects, construction managers and electricians, among others, all with their own scopes of work that overlapped with each other.


“One of the challenges was working with all of these entities to ensure a sign would be installed in the right location,” says McTaggart. “We provided quite a bit of co-ordination when it came to our specific goals.”


Another challenge was the need for a system-wide approach. Entro could not just focus on one area at a time, as there would be a ‘ripple effect’ any time a single sign was changed.

另外一个挑战是避免“波动效应”的出现,Entro不能一次只专注于一个领域的标识修改, 需要采取全系统的方法任何情况下,单一标识的都会产生联动效果。


Studies and the master plan

As mentioned, the eastward expansion required a new master plan for the layout and numbering of terminals and concourses. The gate renumbering process took place in 2014.


The terminals themselves were also redesignated, with Concourse C renamed Concourse A at the airport’s west entrance, then moving east to the new terminal’s Concourse D and Concourse E, which would open in 2016.


To determine the best strategy for indicating these changes with signage, Entro’s team—including designers Leah Ferguson and Raymundo Pavan and associate Chris Herringer—conducted an extensive process of preconstruction research and testing. This included talking to airport staff about any ‘pain points’ and existing issues that could be solved and observing passengers to check if they could easily and quickly understand information presented to them on signs.

为了确定用标牌来展示机场所有的Entro的团队(包括设计师Leah FergusonRaymundo Pavan及其合伙人Chris Herringer)进行了广泛的预构建研究和测试。包括与机场工作人员谈论各种可以解决或暂时解决不了的问题,并观察乘客,他们是否可以快速地了解标识所呈现处的含义

There were also flow studies to find out how the passengers naturally moved throughout the airport, which would help Entro understand the optimal locations for sign placement. Accessibility studies, meanwhile, helped ensure the new wayfinding system would support ease of travel for physically, visually or otherwise impaired passengers.

另一方面是进行流程研究,了解乘客在整个机场的位置移动,有助于Entro对标识的位置进行部署 同时,辅助功能研究有助于确保新的寻路系统能够为乘客提供利的视觉旅行。

“We can’t design in a vacuum,” says McTaggart. “Everything we do related to wayfinding is about the user group, i.e. the passengers. The more we can understand what their challenges are, the better we can design for these and create a more positive experience overall.”


The call-to-gate system

Along with the new terminal, Calgary Airport introduced the first call-to-gate system in Canada. Developed for passengers travelling to the U.S. and other destinations outside the country, the system is intended to prevent cluttering of the gates’ waiting areas and allow more flights to move in and out.


“The passengers wait in a common area and don’t know their gate number until the flight starts boarding,” explains Wayne McCutcheon, Entro’s partner in charge. “Clear communication is incredibly important because people have to be informed not only when their flight is called, but how far away their gate is.”

Entro的负责人Wayne McCutcheon解释说:“登机前,在公共区域候机的乘客有时不清楚登机口的序号。明确的信息提供是非常重要的,乘客不仅要聆听广播播放所乘航班的登机信息,还要估摸走到登机口的时间。

Rather than printing gate numbers onto passengers’ boarding passes, the airport designates the concourse name on each ticket. That concourse is where passengers do the majority of their waiting, until they are notified of their gate number.

乘客的登机牌上没有显示登机口的序号<span style="FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New R


