A long-lasting and secure channel letter installation takes a substantial amount of knowledge and experience. This article details some of the key considerations installers review prior to (and during) a letter installation.
Site Survey地点勘探
A site survey is the typical preliminary installation task. This is often performed by one of the company’s sales personnel or a member of the company’s installation crew. Several items are inspected during this step. Gary Schultz at Artcraft Signs in Denver, Colorado says that his company tries to always check for optimum letter mounting placement. “The best location partially depends on access for wiring of the letters or sign,” he says. “We may need to adjust the proposed placement of the letter sign to get to the optimum position. ”Electrical access alone can impact the installation cost estimate.
对安装地点进行现场勘探是安装工作中的首要工作,这项工作一般由公司的销售人员或者施工队的成员来进行,在这项工作中,有几项内容是必须要检测的。来自美国丹佛的Gary Schultz公司的Gary Schultz说,他们公司一直以来都进行现场勘测以寻找到最佳安装地点。他还说:“最佳安装地点一定程度上受发光字或者标识的连接处施工的难易程度所决定。我们或许应该在每个备选地点上进行试安装来确定最终的安装地点。”若通电正式使用才发现存有隐患,那将会增加安装的成本。
Dave Curry of Star Sign and Banner in Cedar City, Utah mentions, “We always check the physical access to the letter mounting area, as well as the run to the electrical power supply.” Installers also note that it’s beneficial to make a close inspection of the actual wall surface. A closer examination will sometimes reveal that a second wall material exists behind a surface-level façade, or it may show that a material requires special mounting procedures.
来自美国犹他州锡达城Star Sign and Banner公司的Dave Curry说:“我们每次都检查发光字粘合处的物理特性,以及发光字运行时需要的电力。”安装工人同样需要注意的是,提前对现场的墙壁仔细勘察可以提高工作效率,在对墙体做进一步检查时你可能会发现,墙体表面之下的材料可能与你之前预想的不一样,这可能会让你误用粘合剂。
Keith Blumenfeld of M & J Sign Company in Albuquerque, New Mexico adds, “If the customer must have an above roofline install, you’ll be penetrating the roof, so the roof structure must always be inspected.” Other installers note that it’s generally better (if possible) to mount channel letters below the roofline.
美国阿尔伯克基M & J 标识公司的Keith Blumenfeld补充道:“如果客户要求在房屋轮廓线上安装发光字的话,你就必须对屋顶仔细勘察一番,尤其是屋顶的结构。”其他的安装工人也提到,如果可能把发光字安装在屋顶线下的话,那就再好不过了。
Another survey checklist item is the building façade color. Experienced installers will ask if that color will remain the same during the installation period. A new sign will sometimes be a part of an entire building update-including the façade paint color. If that color is changing, the channel letter color configuration may also need to change. Sign shops should also be certain the customer has consulted with the landlord as to which signage types are permissible.
“Nine times out of ten, the customer will not have checked with the landlord,” says Larry Plath of Southwest Outdoor Electric Signs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “The customer will know what they want but not what they can have. ”In summary, a professional site survey encompasses more than just a quick “surface level” inspection. It requires a working knowledge of building construction and materials, electrical wiring configurations, and an on-site assessment of the necessary equipment and personnel.
来自阿尔伯克基Southwest Outdoor Electric Signs公司的Larry Plath说:“十有八九的客户在安装发光标识的时候都不会征求房屋管理者的意见,客户们都很清楚自己想要做的标识,却从没考虑过这样的标识他们是否允许拥有。”总之,一场专业的现场勘测绝不是简单的表面功夫,它包含很多项目,专业的检测人员谙熟建筑结构和建筑材料,电线配置等专业知识。
Permitting and Building Inspection征求意见
Permitting is another important facet of the installation process. “We try to research the sign up front so we don’t quote a sign the customer is not permitted to have,” says Schultz. “In most cases, you must have landlord approval to go after a permit. Then we always obtain the actual permit prior to fabrication.” Schultz also points out that many municipalities and cities now allow permit materials to be submitted online, which can save a trip to their office. One interesting point: Experienced installers usually keep a hard copy of the permit(s) available at the installation site. A building inspector may show up and ask to see a hard copy.
Construction and Mounting Surfaces建筑材料
For channel letter installations, some wall materials are more difficult to work with than others.Concrete can be more difficult to drill and is also more time (and labor) intensive. (Note: Several installers cite concrete as a troublesome material.) Along the same lines, an additional potential issue is a wall that appears to be stucco on the surface but actually has a concrete wall behind it. Stucco itself can actually cause problems, as some surfaces that appear to be stucco are not actually flat-they’re slightly corrugated. This isn’t always perceptible when the building facade is viewed from a and can impact the appearance of mounted letters (particularly halo-lit letters.)
对于发光字的安装来说,有些墙体材料是不便于安装的。混凝土钻孔很难,在混凝土上的安装需要投入更多的人力和物力。(有时候安装工人称混凝土的“棘distance 手材料”)更难处理的是,那些表面粉刷过的混凝土墙,墙体表面的粉刷使墙的表面不太平坦,这一点不是很容易发现,但确实会影响发光字美观效果。
Corrugated metal can be another problematic surface. Outside of the potential mounting stability issue, a corrugated surface can also throw off the halo appearance of a reversel it letter set. Of course this is more of a guideline than a rule. Curry mentions an installation that specified reverse-lit letters on a corrugated mounting surface. They warned the customer that the halo appearance wouldn’t be ideal, but the customer insisted on reverse-lit letters and was actually pleased with the result.
EIFS is sometimes called “synthetic stucco,” but it is not stucco. EIFS (“exterior insulation and finishing system”) is a building cladding material that provides exterior walls with an insulated, water-resistant finished surface. It is also another potentially challenging building material, as it doesn’t always provide a firm backing and can present other issues as well. “We once ran into a situation where the letter set to be replaced had been siliconed to the wall. When we removed those letters, we tore off chunks of EIFS foam,” says Schultz. “We had to explain to an out-of-state company why the wall was so torn up. That foam can be six inches thick.”
EIFS(exterior insulation and finishing system的简称)被称为“合成石灰”,但它并不属于石灰。EIFS是一种建筑涂层材料,主要功能是绝缘,抗水。它同样也是一种难处理的材料,它作为标识的承载体来说,不够坚固,即使能安装成功,在使用过程中也容易出现其他问题。Schultz说:“一次,我们偶然碰到一个用硅胶将发光字粘在涂有EIFS的墙体上的标识,当我们把发光字揭下来的时候,也粘掉足足有6英寸厚的EIFS粉尘,害得我们不得不向客户解释为何他们的墙掉了那么多的EIFS粉尘。”
A double wall can prove another installation issue. Schultz mentions that his company once had to mount letters where the two combined walls were thirty-six inches thick and had a small void between them. A specialty drill bit was utilized to penetrate the unusually large distance. Ceramic wall tiles may also present a mounting problem. These tiles may shatter if the wrong drill bit is used. A specialty bit is often required. “You never really know which bits will work best with different types of tile,” says Schultz. “Carbide pointed bits sometimes work well to prevent shattering.” These are just a few of the potential construction and material challenges associated with a channel letter sign installation. Again knowledge and experience are necessary.
Installation Personnel安装人员
The customer [and even the sign shop] should protect their channel letter investment by making sure to hire an experienced and competent installer. The number of installation personnel varies depending on the channel letter sign’s size and weight and the sign’s final location. The crew also depends on the installer’s experience level. Some installers are able to complete a letter set installation alone. However, if help is needed, they’ll typically hire a licensed contractor who carries their own liability insurance. Other companies generally employ a two-person installation crew, but they’ll subdivide their install crews by experience level.
Electrical Access and Connection线路布置
All installers agreed electrical access is a critical issue-especially when there is a lack of access and a wall either has to be opened up and/or secondary wires must be pulled. Still licensed electricians don’t always have to be called in. “It depends on the situation,” says Blumenfeld. “Our company is licensed to hook up electrical, if the power run is within ten feet of the sign. If the run is longer than ten feet, we’ll use an electrician to do it.”
Some states require a licensed electrician to inspect and/or connect the wiring prior to the sign being placed into operation. Experienced installers should always check the electrical permit law and sign codes in the installation’s jurisdiction. “We bring in an electrician not only for their expertise but also to head off problems from the outset,” says Curry. “The customer pays a bit more, but it gives both us and [them] peace of mind.”
Mounting Pattern安装图纸
Some companies utilize not only the mounting pattern but also other visual project documentation.
“We use the pattern, “ says Blumenfeld, “and we also print out the project visuals we’ve produced for the customer.” Some installers also produce channel letters and have the ability to make their own mounting pattern when necessary. “We’ve made our own patterns and had patterns supplied from manufacturers,” says Plath. “Installations are easier with a pattern, and we’ve generally found it’s less expensive to order from a manufacturer.”