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2019/1/11 10:44:00


Dan Sawatzky’s house is the best advertisement for his business, Imagination Corporation in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. The house looks almost like a hobbit hole, with a large round window in front and the pillars holding up the roof looking like old tree trunks. What looks like a half wall of river stones surrounds the house. But the trees and the wall were all carved using a CNC router.



Imagination Corporation considers itself a sign shop but it operates under a different business model than its competitors.



“We turn away nine out of 10 people who come to our door. The only ones we are interested in are the ones that have the best projects, the most crazy projects,” says Sawatzky, owner and founder of Imagination Corporation.



He and his team ask five questions before taking on any project: Will it be fun? Does the customer trust us? Do we have enough time? Will it bring us closer to work we want to do in the future? Is there enough money?



“We only want to be known for work we want to do,” he says. He appreciates the clients who give him free rein to be creative and have a decent budget for the project so he doesn’t have to limit his imagination.



He uses 30-lb. Precision Board or higher for all of the company’s projects, which is much denser than the industry standard of 15- to 20-lb. board. The big reason is that it is stronger than the lighter weight high-density urethane.



The company puts a tremendous amount of work into its pieces. Sawatzky says lighter weight HDU is so fragile, it would crumble under the amount of detail that he and his team put into each piece.



Most of the company’s cutting is done on a 3-axis MultiCam router, which “allows us to work quickly and with higher precision, and that’s important,” he says.



Most of his competitors use the machine and hand work to make a project look like it was done by machine. Sawatzky wants his work that comes off the router to look like it was done by hand.



“We purposely add texture so it looks hand done. That adds tremendous value in today’s world. I work very quickly, but the router will do it five times faster. It will do all of the grunt work so it allows us to put in the hand work afterwards,” he says.



Imagination Corporation paints all projects by hand and also does sculpting with sculpting epoxy when necessary.It uses its CNC plasma to incorporate brackets into its designs. 




“Everything tells the story, from the brackets all in. We are storytellers. Everything we do we put a story to it and tell that story visually,” he says.



For the pictured Copper Crown, the sign company showed how well the metal pieces were integrated into the carved signs. The leafy bracket was plasma cut steel and the structure of it goes into the actual sign as well as the mounting plates on the wall.



The signs the company did for a themed inn incorporate plasma-cut steel as well. In the Northstar sign, you see a black line behind the compass rose. That structure goes through the sign. Some of it is exposed and some is not, he says. The Under Hill sign also has a steel structure that goes through it. Elements of the key were cut with the plasma cutter. The leafy bracket and big lock are also steel.

该公司为一家主题酒店设计的标识也采用了等离子切割钢材。在标识北极星上,你可以看到罗盘玫瑰后面有一条黑线。那个结构穿过了标识Under Hill 标识也有一个贯穿它的钢结构用等离子切割器切割出关键部件叶形托架和锁也是钢制的。


“That becomes indestructible and easily mounted because there is a steel structure in it,” Sawatzky says.



CNC routers are being used for everything from 3D sculptures and ice sculptures to set making for movie or theater production, embossing designer handbags and precision cutting for the aerospace industry, says Josh Hooley, digital marketing specialist at AXYZ International, a manufacturer of CNC routers.

CNC数控设备制造商AXYZ 国际公司的数字营销专家乔希胡利(Josh Hooley)表示,从3D雕塑和冰雕,到电影或影院制作、压花设计师手包和航空航天行业的精密切割,CNC数控设备无所不及


“It provides businesses with a clear competitive advantage over those who rely on more traditional/manual methods,” he says. “A CNC allows businesses to ramp up their operations, increasing productivity, cutting costs and competing for projects/contracts they wouldn’t have previously been able to.”



Roger Cox, owner and creative director of House of Signs in Frisco, Colorado, says that his work is in high demand both locally and internationally.“It has to do with the aesthetics of the designs we create and the uniqueness of the way we approach and build signs. It is not really seen with too many companies,” he says.


科罗拉多州弗里斯科的House of Signs的所有者兼创意总监Roger Cox表示,他的品在当地和国际上都有很高的需求量。他说:这与我们创造设计的美学观念和我们处理建造标识的独特方式有关。这在太多公司中并不常见


The company invested in its first CNC machine back in 2000. At that point in time, Cox was focusing on creating visually dynamic carved signs and was spending a lot of time hand-carving everything.“The end result was fantastic but the efficiency was very low,” he says.

早在2000年,该公司就投资了第一台数控机床。在那个时候,Cox专注于创造视觉上动态的雕刻标识,花了很多时间手工雕刻所有的东西。 最终的结果非常棒,但效率很低,他说。


The CNC router “opened up a whole new world, specifically some years later when we were integrating 3-dimensional software into our work, that essentially becomes yet another realm that again could have been achieved by hand but would have been that much more labor-intensive to create a 2.5D or 3D piece,” Cox says.



Most sign shops use a 3-axis router, meaning it can mill half of a cylinder or half of a full-contoured sphere because it moves front to back, side to side and up and down. The 3-axis and 4-axis machines provide the most amount of detail so that’s why most sign shops stick with these two routers.



To create some of the more ambitious projects and signage, the company spends a lot of time upfront working in dimensioning software to make sure the cuts are in the right place and the different layers take shape before it is even sent to the router.“The level of detail we are asking our CNCs to do is really quite phenomenal,” he says.


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