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武藤发布全新的染料升华式打印机Draf-Station RJ-900XG

2015/6/3 10:52:54


Mutoh Belgium nv has a new addition to its dye sublimation printer line-up, called Draf-Station RJ-900XG, a 42” (1080 mm) wide printer.
近日,武藤(比利时)推出全新的染料升华打印机Draf-Station RJ-900XG,该设备是一款42”(1080mm)的宽幅打印机。它的出现,有效壮大了该类型打印设备的阵容。
The new RJ-900XG is suited for volume production runs as well as short print runs of sublimated graphics, such as banners, flags, soft signage, interior decoration, sportswear and transfer onto all kinds of objects.
新款RJ-900XG 设备适合进行批量的业务生产,同时,缩短了打印过程中的图像升华时间,特别是横幅、旗帜、软标牌等的打印,此外,它还可满足其他款式图形的打印工作。
The compact DrafStation RJ-900XG incorporates a piezo drop-on-demand print head offering print resolutions up to 2880 dpi. The print head is capable of firing drops from 3.4 pl up to 49.5 pl. The capability to fire larger drops is essential for speedy dye sublimation applications compatible with lower print resolutions.
紧凑型DrafStation RJ-900XG打印设备采用压电式按需喷墨打印头,其打印分辨率高达2880dpi,打印头的喷射量范围在3.4-49.5pl间,可满足客户的各种打印需求。此外,对于可快速进行染料升华的设备来说,拥有大喷射量是需具备的基本能力,与此同时,还可与低打印分辨率设备进行有效兼容。
Delivering typical production speeds from 5 to 18.5 m²/h, the new 42” wide RJ- 900XG will print on typical > 95 g/m² dye sublimation transfer papers and can handle 2” and 3” core rolls. The printer comes with a stand and a non-motorised roll-off system. Mutoh also offers an optional motorized winder system for media rolls up to 30 kg which will roll-up finished prints.
对于基本款的打印设备来说,打印速度在5-18.5m2/h范围内,而全新推出的42”宽幅RJ- 900XG设备在使用染料升华转印纸时,通常情况下,需要的墨量要大于95g/m2,可满足2”-3”核心卷的打印,同时,该款设备还有工作台设计以及配备有非机动卷状系统。此外,对于卷材介质在30kg左右的,武藤提供有可选的电动卷线系统,以方便承印材料的打印。
The RJ-900XG uses Mutoh’s genuine DS2-series dye sublimation inks which are 100 per cent VOC free and do not require any risk labelling. The DrafStation RJ-900XG printer is also compatible with Mutoh’s regular water-based dye and pigmented inks for indoor and short term outdoor graphics.
RJ-900XG采用武藤真正 DS2系列染料升华墨水,它100%不含挥发性有机化合物,并不具有任何标签效应的风险。另外,DrafStation RJ-900XG打印机还与武藤水性染料和应用于室内及短期室外图形打印的色素油墨完美兼容,满足市场上的业务需求。

The Mutoh DrafStation RJ-900XG dye sublimation printer.
武藤DrafStation RJ-900XG染料升华打印机。

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