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EFI携5米VUTEk LED精细墨滴UltraDrop技术亮相上海广告展

2014/7/25 15:31:21


EFI has given its five-metre VUTEk GS5500LXr Pro its first run out at the 2014 edition of the Shanghai Ad and Sign Technology and Equipment Exhibition.
在2014上海国际广告技术设备展览会上,EFI首次展出了新型的五米VUTEk GS5500LXr Pro喷墨打印机。
The roll-fed device uses EFI's 'cool-cure' LED-curing imaging platform and its UltraDrop technology, which incorporates seven-picolitre print-heads with multi-drop addressability for each dot position, providing four-level greyscale and two levels of ink density. Its low curing temperature means that it can handle media as thin as 0.79mm, while it can also process textiles and mesh substrates.
EFI该款全新的卷对卷喷墨打印机,借助冷温固化LED成像平台以及精细墨滴UltraDrop灰阶打印技术。该技术采用7pL打印头,它拥有真正的在各个点位的多点寻址能力,可凭借四级灰度和两种墨水浓度提供高分辨率和清晰度的打印质量。此外,相对于其他固化或干燥方法,该款打印机的LED墨水能够在更低的温度下固化,让用户能够对承印物有更多的选择,允许选用一些不能承受高温的材料–包括价格较低的、更薄(厚度最小可达0.79 mm)的材料。
EFI has worked with 3M to create a new, flexible ink formula for the machine, believed to be the industry's first to extend LED curing to the five-metre category. The SuperFlex ink is designed for the creation of durable outdoor prints such as vehicle wraps and textured surface graphics, with elongation characteristics allowing it to be heat-applied without cracking.
"UltraDrop Technology provides an important new competitive advantage," suggests Scott Schinlever, senior vice-president and general manager at EFI Ink-jet Solutions. "With UltraDrop and LED-curing on the new VUTEk GS5500LXr Pro printer, we have eliminated barriers businesses face producing greener, high-volume and high-quality roll-to-roll graphics.”
EFI喷墨打印机解决方案资深副总裁兼总经理斯科特·史考林里文说:“精细墨滴UltraDrop灰阶打印技术成为一项新的核心竞争优势,从今往后,EFI的所有VUTEk GS系列打印机都将配备该项技术,新的VUTEk GS5500lxr Pro打印机加入了UltraDrop和LED功能,扫除了业务发展的瓶颈,能够为您带来更环保、海量生产的高品质的卷对卷画面。”
"We are delighted to make the world-wide introduction of this revolutionary product this week in China, among the many other innovative products we are presenting to fuel our customers' success."

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