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This can be helpful when the installation of a three-inch return letter set is planned. A lighter letter set means an easier sign placement and positioning on the wall. It may also mean that a one-person installation is possible instead of using two people. 这对安装三英寸字槽的发光字是有好处的。较轻便的发光字装置意味着易于将其安装到墙上,同时意味着一个人也可以完成安装工作。 This weight difference also may mean a shipping cost decrease (assuming the carrier partially bases their charge on weight.) 这种重量的变化还意味着运输成本的降低(假设送货员是根据重量收费的)。 Permit Issues 许可事项 Permitting is another consideration when the depth of the channel letter return is specified. As mentioned before, a shallower return reduces the protrusion from the building facade. Some cities have a maximum permissible sign projection distance. Five-inch returns may cause your customer’s sign to project further than is allowed under city permitting law (particularly when the letters are raceway mounted). 当指定了槽形发光字字槽深度后,就要考虑许可证的问题了。如前所述,较浅的字槽深度会减小与建筑表面之间的距离。一些城市对标识投影最大距离有限制。五英寸字槽标识的投影距离可能会超出城市法律所规定的距离。 Summary 结论 So the return specification has multiple considerations for the successful completion and installation of a channel letter project. The usage of a three-inch return may allow you to meet permitting requirements, specify smaller letter sizes from the manufacturer and make easier field service calls. 因此,字槽规格对槽形发光字的完美制作和安装是很重要的。采用三英寸字槽可能会符合法律许可要求,从而制作出更小规格的发光字,并且使得维护服务更加容易。
2017/3/28 17:02:19
In closing, these comments are very general and provide an overview of optics and related power considerations. It is my belief that we should always offer the best overall solution first and work backwards if the customer demands it, but never cut the prospect short without justification. 最后我想说,这些提到的论述非常一般,只是关于光学透镜的概述和相关电源考虑因素。我认为,我们首先应该为客户提供最好的整体解决方案,如果客户同意就着手准备,但是永远不要无故否定方案的可行性。
2017/3/28 16:46:40
“Small and large companies have told me over the years that it is less expensive to order from a wholesaler than to fabricate themselves,” she says. “Customers obtain artwork for a project and order the job, and then all parts of the channel letter are cut and routed and the faces are trimmed and the letters are assembled. Then we add LED lighting and UL labels, and package it for shipping.” 她说:“多年来与小公司和大公司合作的经验告诉我,将标识生产过程外包给批发商比自己加工更划算。客户得到项目的标识样品后开始分配任务,然后将发光字切割成型、修剪其表面、将其组装起来。然后再将LED照明系统和UL标志安装上,打包好后运输。” No matter who supplies the signage, Sciortino says the installation process can present a wide variety of hurdles, and certainly requires a steep learning curve. 斯提诺说,无论是通过哪种方式制作标识,其安装过程会出现各种各样的问题,这确实需要不断地积累经验。 “You’ve got to go out and look at what you’ve got to deal with,” he says. “Do you have attic access? Are you going to have to drill through brick – some brick walls are three inches thick and then you still have 15 to 18 inches of block to drill through. Most shopping centers put up half-inch to three-quarter-inch blocking, and you can just bolt or screw the sign onto that.” 他说:“你必须要去了解那些你需要解决的问题。你知道阁楼的入口吗?你打算把砖块穿透吗?——有些砖块大概3英寸厚,你还需要再穿透15到18英寸厚的障碍物。大多数购物中心的墙壁通常有半英寸到四分之三英寸厚的障碍物,你用螺栓或螺钉就可以将标识安装到墙壁上。” As a sign wholesaler, he’s also happy to let new installers know when they may be in over their heads on a first-time project. 作为标识批发商,他很乐意告诉新的安装人员,他们在进行第一个项目时需要注意哪些问题。 “Sometimes, we’ll call them back and ask, ‘how is this mounted? What’s the size of the lift you’re using?’ You have to take the responsibility for the installation, and I can tell when the client really doesn’t know a lot about the job.” 他说:“有时我们会打电话给安装人员,问他们‘这是怎么安装的?你们用的举升装置是多大的?’你必须承担起标识安装过程的责任,我敢说客户对这项工作真的不甚了解。”
2017/3/27 17:02:05
He suggests looking for a company that offers a guarantee equal to the life of the building. “Not many companies offer this but we do. Having a ‘Life-of-the-Building" guarantee provides the sign company the assurance that he is representing a high-quality product that has been engineered to look as good the day it is installed as the day it is taken down. A short lead time is another strategic advantage for our customers. We ship 86 percent of our orders in 10 days or less. Most end users think we throw a bunch of plastic into a machine and it comes out shrink wrapped in an hour where the reality is so different. It takes a lot of machines, people and skilled hands combining to make the product.” 他建议寻找一家产品保修期与其建筑使用寿命相等的公司进行合作。没有多少公司能提供这项保证,但我们能做到。提供“建筑使用寿命”的保修期为标识公司提供了保障,它代表高品质的产品。短期交货时间是我们为客户提供的另一个战略优势,我们在10天或更短时间内完成86%的订单的发货。大多数终端用户认为我们是把塑料投入机器,收缩包装在一个小时内成形,但实际上根本不是这样,它需要很多机器以及熟练工结合制作产品的技巧来生产。 McMahon points out that there are many local customers who need a lot of handholding and installation services when it comes to ADA signage. “This plays right into the strong presence of the sign shop that has the capability to assist with placement, needed sign types and compliance strategies even though they might not actually manufacture the ADA sign product. The local sign shop owner can leverage our expertise to their advantage and make a lot of money without investing huge sums in ADA manufacturing capabilities,” he adds. McMahon指出,当提到ADA标识时,很多当地客户需要大量的手持和安装服务。这正好显示出标商铺的强大市场地位,即使他们可能不生产ADA标识产品,但是也有能力协助安置所需的标识类型和合规战略。他补充道,当地标识店主没有将巨大的资金投入到ADA制造能力的情况下,可以利用我们的专业知识来为自己谋利,并且赚取大量的资金。 Multiple Programs Available 程序多功能的使用 ADA signage wholesalers say there are multiple programs available for shops to choose from. Toji says that her company offers several unique programs that assist shops that just want to broker signs, as well as programs for creative designers with varying capabilities in fabrication. ADA标识批发商表示,标识商铺有很多可以选择的制作过程。Toji说他们公司提供了几个独特的制作过程,协助一些想要代理标识的商铺,以及为富有创造性的设计师提升他们的制作能力。 “First, we are one of the companies that can provide thermoformed tactile signs and sign components. These signs are the perfect answer for clients who are tired of replacing signs where characters and braille dots get picked off, “melt” away when gradually exposed to moisture, or are so carelessly manufactured that they literally fall off the signs. On top of that, they are very easy for people to read because it is simple to make rounded or domed Braille dots and beveled or rounded shapes on characters strokes. They are true one-piece signs that cannot delaminate or be taken apart.” 首先,我们是能够提供热成型触觉标识和标识组件的公司之一。有些客户厌倦了替换标识、字符和盲文点,有些标识在潮湿空气中容易生锈,或者是不小心从字面上脱落,而这些有触感的标识就是客户的最佳选择。最重要的是,它们的可读性很强,因为它们是由简单的圆形或圆顶盲文点和斜角或圆形的字符笔画组成的。它们是真正的单件式标识,不能分层或被分开。 She points out that for the “blue and white” client or any client who just wants a very simple standard color combination of light and dark, they have an extensive choice of standard signs in their online catalog. They offer 11 standard color combinations, with a dark on light and light on dark choice for each. There are three standard typestyles as well, a choice of radius or square corners, and besides that, some size choices. 她指出,对于想要“蓝白”标识或任何亮暗颜色组合标识的客户,他们在线上店铺中都有多种选择。他们提供11种标准的颜色组合,每一个暗色中的亮光和亮色中的暗光,都是可选择的。除此之外,还有三个标准的格式选择、半径或方角选择、尺寸选择。 “For the sign shop that has some capabilities—and particularly for one with an in-house designer—we have a really unique opportunity with our ‘Pieces and Parts’ modular system. It is particularly suited for any project with a large number of room number signs.” Toji says the system has, as its base, seven different sign shapes to use for room numbers. 对于一些有室内设计师的标识商铺,我们提供一个独特的配件模块化系统,它特别适用于大部分带有标识的房间。Toji说,该系统有七种不同的符号形状用于房间号码。 “The designer can use the room number shapes independently, or can pair them with backplates, decorative layers and insert pieces to create a completely unique system. In addition, the pieces can be backed with digital prints or back-painted with any color desired, although we do recommend adhering closely to requirements for dark/light contrast.” 设计师可以单独使用房间的标识形状,或者将背板、装饰层和插入件配对,来创建一个独特的标识系统。此外,这些作品可以采用数字打印或在背面涂上任何想要的颜色,尽管我们建议您严格按照暗/光对比的要求来上色。 Their company offers one more asset that no other wholesale company can boast, the consulting services of Sharon Toji—otherwise known as the ‘ADA Sign Lady.’ She says her sign shop clients in the field often call her to tap into her extensive knowledge of the history and intent of the ADA standards. “When you deal with ADA Sign Products, you have a unique ‘buy one, get one free’ opportunity to get it right, the first time,” she concludes. 他们公司再次创造了一个有价值的服务,这是其他批发公司提供不了的。她说标识商铺客户在现场经常打电话给她,向她咨询有关ADA标识标准和历史的知识。
2017/3/27 16:05:50
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